Is Santa Cluase Actually real?
2006-05-27 17:05:33 UTC
HOw many of you beleived in Santa Clause when you were little? Or if you didnt how come?
53 answers:
2006-05-27 17:06:06 UTC Ask him.
2006-05-28 16:09:21 UTC
I really never did believe in Santa Claus because my family was shall we say poor. I knew where everything came from and remember having to go get secondhand toys at the church at Christmas. While there is no actual Santa, his spirit lives in many people. Christmas is my favorite holiday but not because of gifts, but because of the people that you come upon and their kindness. In my opinion, my thinking is better. Instead of one Santa there are thousands of Santa Clauses who only want to see a smile on a child's face
2006-05-27 20:35:25 UTC
When I was young my family didn't celebrate Christmas, because of my parents religion. I remember going to school and the teacher reading about the "The Night Before Christmas", and passing out candy canes.I had never heard of Santa before. I remember getting off the bus I was excited at the thought of a kind hearted man in a red suit, with a flying reindeer, coming to MY HOUSE to give me (a boy who was told he was worthless) presents, just for being good. I ran into the house dropped my books on the floor.....Mommy have you heard about Santa he gives kids gifts, then a hand hit me across the face, blood pored from my nose,"There's no such thing as Santa", she yelled.Now pick up your books. I stayed in my room the rest of the day. The night before Christmas we went to church, I'll never forget when we came home, there on the porch was a guitar with a note that said "TO LONNIE" (that's me). I never knew who gave it to me. You asked if Santa is real, in my heart...... he is, and in a way he made me know I was somebody. I am now an adult and to this day I've never told anyone until now. Thank you for your question.
2006-05-27 17:20:31 UTC
I don't think I ever did.

Why not? Well, there was the story about the chimney and the fireplace. We did have a chimney, but not a fireplace.

We had a device, common in the 1960's, called an incinerator. It was used to burn trash and paper. The chimney went straight to the incinerator. If Santa came down our chimney he'd go into the incinerator!

When I was an adult my mother told me that all the children of the family believed in Santa when they were little. I don't think so! I remember PRETENDING to believe in Santa to make my mom happy.
2006-05-28 20:40:48 UTC
"Santa Cluase" ... otherwise known as "Santa Claus" is the spirit of Christmas. I believed in Santa Claus until I was eight years old..then I learned the spirit of Christmas is the love humans have for each other, and is expressed in gift-giving.
2006-05-27 20:48:35 UTC
When I was old enough to be told the truth about Santa Clause I was told Santa Clause was people who loved you!
2006-05-27 21:43:33 UTC
there isnt a santa claus in the manner we think of it. There was a St.Nicholas. But he didn live at the north pole and give out gifts. christmas started as a way to remember the birth of our savior. As Christmas became more commercialized, Santa Claus suited the marketing plan better
2006-05-28 05:30:48 UTC
I mom used to say if you don't believe, you don't get. I believed because there was 7 of us and we were poor. My mom used to have us make a list from the Sears Christmas catalog and tell us to put the 3 things we wanted the most first. I never knew all the years that she had been going to commercial credit and taking loans to get us things. By the time she got the loan paid off, Christmas was back. She tried so hard to give us good memories and she succeeded:) I'll never forget how much she loved us.
2006-05-27 22:56:38 UTC
Sure he is real! I never believed in Santa Clause.
2016-09-28 04:43:19 UTC
santa claus replace into dropped on the americas by using dutch colonists as a reminder of Sint Niclas. In holland it remains celebrated on december 6. contained in the 1930's the coca cola company nicked the guy and made him right into a customer ceremonial dinner. Is he actual? He as quickly as replace into.
2006-05-27 17:21:35 UTC
Yes, he exists in our hearts. He exists in the spirit of giving and the spirit of love during the holiday season. I have noticed that the holiday season is so much different than most times of the year. People are kinder and more likely to give and to bring cheer to others. To me that is what Santa Claus is the symbol of. He is the symbol of love, giving, and good cheer. :0)
2006-06-03 09:35:13 UTC
Santa Clause came from pagan orgins.

Saint Nicholas, who rides on the rooftops, is the pagan god Wodan [Odin]. . . . Saint Nicholas was also the leader of the wild chase in which the souls of the dead visit the earth.”

Yes, the Teutons believed that Odin, or Wodan, their chief god, led the souls of the dead on a furious cross-country ride during the “twelve bad days” between Christmas and Epiphany (January 6). The resulting gale carried along the seeds of the produce of the fields, stimulating fertility. The apples, nuts, and other autumn produce given around “St. Nicholas Day”? These were symbols of fertility. Ancient people believed that they could appease their gods by giving them presents during the cold, dark winter days. This would result in increased fertility for man, animal, and soil.

Odin was accompanied by his servant Eckhard, the forerunner of Black Peter, who also carried a rod. As recently as the Middle Ages, it was the popular belief that certain trees and plants could render humans fertile and that merely striking a woman with a branch of such a tree sufficed to make her pregnant.

The book Feest-en Vierdagen in kerk en volksgebruik (Holidays and Celebrations in the Church and in Popular Customs) mentions a few other similarities between Odin and “Saint” Nicholas: “Wodan, too, filled the boots and wooden shoes placed by the chimney but with gold. For Wodan’s steed, hay and straw were also placed in the wooden shoe. The last sheaf of the field was also for the horse.”

The book Sint Nicolaas, by B. S. P. van den Aardweg, points to a few other striking similarities:

“St. Nicholas: a tall, powerful figure on a white horse. He has a long white beard, a crosier in his hand, and a miter on his head . . . with a wide, flowing bishop’s cloak.

“Wodan: a person of tall stature with a white beard. He wears a wide-brimmed hat pulled deeply over his eyes. In his hand he holds a magic spear. He is clad in a wide mantle and rides his loyal gray horse Sleipnir.

“There are more of these apparent similarities: Wodan rode his gray horse through the air and shuddering people offered cakes with filling in addition to meat and produce of the fields. St. Nicholas rides on the rooftops and children prepare hay, carrots, and water for the horse. Gingersnaps and the rod were symbols of fertility long before the beginning of the St. Nicholas festivities.”

Just three days before Christmas 1993, Pope John Paul II acknowledged that the celebration of Christmas is not rooted in the Bible. Regarding the date December 25, the pope admitted: “On that day in pagan antiquity, the birthday of the ‘Invincible Sun’ was celebrated to coincide with the winter solstice.” How, then, did Christmas begin? The pope continued: “It seemed logical and natural to Christians to replace that feast with the celebration of the only and true Sun, Jesus Christ.”

And what is even funnier, how many of us have been told by our parent “Don’t Lie, only bad people lie”

So does that make are parents bad when they lie to us about Santa Clause... knowing good and well they put the gifts under the tree. Speaking about the tree, did you know that was a pagan idea as well?

The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “Tree worship, common among the pagan Europeans, survived after their conversion to Christianity in the Scandinavian customs of decorating the house and barn with evergreens at the New Year to scare away the devil and of setting up a tree for the birds during Christmastime
2006-05-27 21:08:22 UTC
Of course Santa is real. Who else would sit in a mall in a silly red suit every Christmas. I mean...come on now!
2006-05-31 11:52:55 UTC
Santa Clause is not real,and it's actually your parents.I don't believe in Santa.
cheeky chic 379
2006-05-27 22:09:21 UTC
As long as there are small children , there will always be a Santa Claus. He is the spirit of Christmas.
2006-05-27 17:17:50 UTC
There is no doubt that Santa exists!! - He just may not look like you think he should, and he may have changed his residence from the North Pole - But he is alive and well. -- I'll bet, even you, are Santa's Helper when it "'tis the Season to be Jolly"!
2006-05-27 20:20:25 UTC
i use to tell my kids there was a Santa clause they believed it until the kids at school told them different..
2006-05-30 18:43:21 UTC
Santa Clus in not real he is just a fake on movies.
2006-05-28 09:10:28 UTC
Of course Santa is real! He's my best friend ever!
2006-05-28 03:49:09 UTC
Yes. He visits our home at the time of Christmas eve and gives handsome presents every year. But he leaves very quickly leaving the presents.
2006-05-27 18:44:40 UTC
I believed in him until I was 10 or 9. I wish I still did kuz Christmas is so much funner when you do believe.
Reverand ANDREW
2006-05-27 17:51:07 UTC
yes there is ST. Nicolas, ST Christopher; Santa is both in Latin and Spanish for Saint.
2006-05-29 21:02:19 UTC
if you want Santa clause to be real than he's real
2006-05-27 17:08:59 UTC
I believed in him when I was little, but even seeing him now at 20 yrs. old it makes me smile every Christmas. Just being a kid at heart I suppose.
2006-05-31 11:44:53 UTC
santa is real, but he eats children. it's a cover up. from the masons, or the knights templar or something. look it up its on the internet.
2006-05-28 20:40:34 UTC
If u r 8 and under, YES OF COURSE HE IS REAL! If ur nine and above, u have 2 b kidding me!
2006-05-30 07:24:30 UTC
i believed in santa when i was a kid and when i was 9 when my daddy died and my mom had nothing for us i knew that my dad was santa and santa died
2006-05-29 13:19:51 UTC
Yes he is real, i know this because he is my dad and he only works once a year because he is a lazy fat alcoholic red wearing beardy weirdo.
2006-05-27 17:27:39 UTC
He come to ur house every Xmas?

U send the letter ever Xmas and he reply?
2006-05-29 12:21:30 UTC
I think Yes, he exists in our hearts.and I agree with Gunther talked very sweet!:)
Nick D
2006-05-27 22:46:35 UTC
My parents told me when i was 7
2006-05-30 17:30:45 UTC
I did until i was eleven cuz my parents thought i was responsibe enough not to tell my younger brothers.
2006-05-28 19:22:46 UTC
Yeah ur parents
2006-05-30 08:31:30 UTC
he was real. but he died in the 1400's. i think 1442, but im not sure if thats the correct date.
2006-06-02 10:25:07 UTC
I did until i was like 6, but i don't know what happened....
2006-05-27 18:02:39 UTC
I've never ever believed in this little joke my whole life.
Uncle Thesis
2006-05-28 13:29:13 UTC
Not me.

My parents told me the truth.

I didn't like it, but it was true.
2006-05-30 00:44:16 UTC
yes he is st.nicholas but he lives in germany
ket w
2006-05-29 00:17:08 UTC
i depends frm age to age...for me he is still thr but ll not see him if u'll doubt his existence.
2006-05-27 18:50:27 UTC
St. Nicholas is real!!!!
2006-05-27 17:57:49 UTC
r u kidding hahaha... jk no why do u ask

sent by ""
2006-06-02 10:51:01 UTC
i believed in him but now know he isn't real.
Amanda W
2006-05-30 11:58:19 UTC
Yes he is.
2006-05-28 07:27:02 UTC
I believe, I believe, I believe...
2006-05-28 12:10:15 UTC
depending on what you believe in.
2006-05-29 17:25:42 UTC
Nope he's not real at all.
2006-05-28 00:33:35 UTC
i still believe
2006-05-28 08:36:21 UTC
I don't believe in him.
Bobbie M
2006-05-28 01:04:23 UTC
i can not belive you asked that question
mary b
2006-05-27 19:57:20 UTC
i did. not anymore. it is made up.
2006-05-28 11:59:58 UTC
i don't know
2006-05-29 21:16:13 UTC
♫♥♪siddharth ♫♥♪
2006-05-28 09:23:41 UTC

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