How to send a letter from Santa Claus
By christmaself, eHow Member
send a letter from Santa Claus
User-Submitted Article
Would you like to send a free letter from Santa Claus to your
children this holiday season? Find out how to write your own
Letter From Santa, and print it in gorgeous quality on your
home printer.
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need:
Color Printer
The first step is to visit This
website is free, and has a handy step by step guide to
creating your letter from Santa. Simply go to the website
and click the CREATE A FREE LETTER FROM SANTA link and you
can get started.
Choose your template
The next step is to select a template for your letter. There
are 3 nice ones to choose from, so go ahead and pick! You
can choose again later so don't worry if you're not sure
which one will look the best. Some templates are better for
longer letters.
Now, write your letter from Santa Claus to your children! Be
sure to mix in some things "only Santa would know" to
make your letter more believable. Remember to add in
some Ho Ho Ho's and some news about Rudolph and the
other reindeers!
Let your children know that Santa is preparing for
Christmas, and that he's been watching your children all
year and is very proud of them. Santa will be leaving lots of
joy under the tree, so don't forget the milk and cookies!
Now that your letter is completed, click the CREATE YOUR
LETTER FROM SANTA NOW button. Your finished letter will
appear in a new window for you to see. If you're not happy
with the design, close the window and change the template
or edit your letter to make those final adjustments.
Once you're happy, your letter from Santa is completed!
Click your browser's file menu and click Print. If you have
some, put your best paper in your printer to make the letter
even more authentic.
Depending on your printer, you may want to trim the edges
to remove and white space from your paper. Once you're
happy, you're on to the final step.
Now it's time to mail the letter to your children! Get a nice
envelope and place the letter inside. You may want to add
small gifts for your children like stickers.
Address the letter to your children. Now comes the
important part. Make sure the return address is from Santa
Claus c/o Santa's Workshop in the North Pole!
Santa Claus
c/o Santa's Workshop
North Pole
H0H 0H0
Now, place a stamp on the envelope (preferably a Christmas
stamp if your post office is carrying them) and mail the
letter. In a few days, you can give it to your kids and see
their excitement build as they anticipate Christmas Eve!
Tips & Warnings
Add stickers or other small things to the envelope.
Scent the letter with peppermint or cinnamon extract
Add a photo of Santa to the envelope!