No money for Christmas this year. Is anyone else celebrating a very minimal Christmas?
*s*t*a*r* *d*u*s*t*
2007-12-04 22:52:18 UTC
Our oath to avoid bankruptcy this year and do what we must to retain any remaining financial dignity (not to mention the rising cost of gas and every other damn thing) has left us bereft of any expendible income these days. We have very little money to buy gifts for our loved ones this year--including 5 young children we absolutely adore. I really don't want to get caught up in all that opportunistic Christmas commercialism and I can't stand all those over-the-top gift suggestion segments on television shows!!

I'm looking for anyone else who can offer, or who needs to have, a little support in their quest to enjoy a very limited "holiday season". Knowing what is truly important, I have plenty of TRUE Christmas spirit, but is there anyone else out there in the same boat with the lack of holiday trimmings? I'm feeling a little down as the day draws nearer and I could use the story of a kindred spirit right now.
29 answers:
2007-12-04 23:03:54 UTC
i know exactly how you feel. my hubby and i can't afford to fly home to spend christmas with our families, let alone buy presents for them, if we want to be able to be financially stable. our families will be 3000 miles away, and because we are in a lease that ends dec. 31, we won't have time to focus much on christmas, or even decorate. for me christmas is about family and friends, so take away the presents and i would feel ok still, but now that our families won't be there, i know exactly how you're feeling a bit down. we should just try to remain positive and hope for a most festive christmas next year though! merry christmas to you and yours!
2007-12-06 15:17:58 UTC
I don't know if this will boost your spirits or not. For the past 2 years my husband and I have barely got by during Christmas just paying our bills. We haven't even had enough money to buy gifts for each other. Last year it didn't bother me any because tax season was right around the corner. But this year it is bothering me a lot because my father just passed away on Halloween morning. All I wanted was my dad this Christmas and it's not going to happen. I promised myself Christmas would not be celebrated in this house this year without him. I went to a local tree farm that my dad used to take us to when we were kids and bought a tree and ever since buying that tree, I've felt his presence more than ever. My gift is the love that I feel when I think of him and the memories of all the Christmas' I've spent with him. Money is nothing but an object. You can cry all day long cuz you don't have it, but in the long run, family is the most important thing. So I guess my point is, who needs gifts that cost money, they won't satisfy your heart...not like the love and time you give to your family. They can only satisfy the boredom for when there is no family around. As long as you have each other, that's all that matters. And no matter how bad things get, God is always there making sure you have what you need. LOVE! Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Much love and blessings from my family to yours!
2007-12-04 23:09:22 UTC
My family is better off now than we have been in recent years, but looking back on some lean years that we went through, I can't remember one single Christmas that really sucked. We were all together and that was fine. We bought each other cheap little gifts to open, but whatever. Enough with the gifts already.

The truth is, my dad suffered from a brain tumor that he was diagnosed with right after three deaths in the family that came rather close together, and on top of that, my parents were in financial ruin at the time. I was running their business and doing the best I could to help move them to the then-vacant family home in the mountains because it was the only place they had to go. And on and on and on. It was mess after mess.

During that time, we played games, watched movies and just simply were together at Christmas. It wasn't so bad, and in fact, it was just fine.

Now Dad's pretty much made a complete recovery from the tumor, they're financially better off, and I'm back to moviemaking and working for Domino's between film crews. There are things I wish I could go back and do when I was in my 20s and didn't have time since I had all those family obligations, one being to really try to find a wife and start a family of my own, which may never happen, but all in all, I can't complain.

The hard times pass over and things get better. It's what you HAVE at Christmas that you focus on and what you don't have, well, that will either be there next Christmas, or it won't. And what you have this Christmas might not be there next Christmas too, so enjoy it this Christmas. Not a Christmas or Thanskgiving goes by now that I don't count my blessings that I still have my 65-year-old dad for now.
2007-12-04 23:00:29 UTC
We plan to move at the end of the month, and are pretty cash strapped. I'm trying to avoid stores . . . I bought my son a pair of pajamas and a Thomas train this evening, and that may be all he's getting. I'm okay with our "minimal Christmas" and know he'll get gifts from other relatives, but I really wish I could buy more for him myself.

I'll make a big part of everyone's gifts - chocolate bon bons, biscotti, etc., and pick up a few small things, but we're not doing much this year.

Because we're moving, and a dear relative is very sick, I worry that I won't have time to appreciate the luxury of a minimal Christmas. We have no money, so I can't get caught up in a buying frenzy. I have to look for creative ways to show friends and family that we care about them. In future years, we'll hopefully have more financial stability, but I think we'll lose something. It's so easy to go over the top at Christmas.

Good luck with your holiday celebrations. I'll try to remember your question as we go about the season, and focus on the true meaning of the holidays and all we have to be thankful for.
2007-12-08 09:27:13 UTC
Wow, did I ever need this. I have been down in the dumps lately because I have two older (13 & 16) children who deserve the best! They are great kids but every year at Christmas they have had less then others. Every year we always give toys and food at the Santa parade, but we always have a little something for our own. Well, this year has been different. We had a very unexpected bill for our cat and since then there is no money left. My work has failed to come through with a cheque of backpay for the raise they have owed me since February.

I know my kids are grown enough and understand that some times there just isn't enough, and it's okay with them...but it hasn't been okay by me. That's why I have been so down.

But after reading all the stories here today, we're going to be ok. We have a roff over our heads, food in the cupboards and all our family is intact. i just needed a reminder of our blessings.

Thank you all..
Miss Sally Anne
2007-12-04 23:19:08 UTC
Hi Andi,

My heart broke when I read your question. There are many people who feel forced to find cash that they simply don't have to spend on gifts for others to commemorate what? The birth of Jesus? As if he'd care if we gave gifts or not!

As a sole parent for many years, I know the pressure of finding money for gifts. Some years were good, others were very bad with no celebrations, no presents and no decorations. Thankfully I'm now in a better financial situation, but I'll never forget those times.

So on Christmas Day this year, our family (including our kids aged 15+) will be wearing Santa hats at the local centre for the homeless, serving food and bringing some cheer. We've also agreed to exchange no gifts.

We'll have the best Christmas.

Happy Christmas to you too.

2007-12-04 23:08:30 UTC
I have a lack of funds, I am making some gifts this year (first time since gradeshool that I am doing it)

mostly my effort is going into the kids of the family... but I want to give peopel a little something because it is a season of giving... they all know my situation and tell me not to bother...

kinda sucks... but I am doing what I can so I can't fly home this year for the same reason ....

but I remember that we're lucky to live in an age where people can be called for pennies, and that I have a roof over my head and food in my cupboard (even if it is mac and cheese) when I was a kid we got church baskets... so I am thankful for that.

And I am actually going to church this year for a purpose other than the music and habit... I'm gonna go to say a little something for my cousin serving in Afghanistan. He's not front lines, he's a communications guy but he's still there... trying to make a difference and over Christmas no less... I am hardly the religious type but I feel it's okay to ask for help when its for someone other than yourself. My Aunt is worried sick he's her eldest and only son...

I don't know if that helps you at all... but that's my deal this year.
2007-12-04 23:18:03 UTC
Yes,we all been there some of us too many times lol.You might consider gifts like something the whole family can enjoy together as a "big" present,new game,boardgames,card games,something like that maybe one thing they each can use,batteries for a favorite toy,a CD,DVD,tiny radio,small things don't cost a lot.Don't forget the gift of food,we have done this many times most children have to share Candy,chips drinks,what we have done on occasion is give them their favorite chips,candy,beef sticks,things of that nature all to their selves.Yes its not the latest toy but it is a gift under the tree,its the spirit of the season and the love is there you will be fine.God bless you,that is the type of Christmas I am having and mine will be great!I know yours will too.Jesus is the reason for the season.Merry Christmas.!
Healthy For Him
2007-12-04 22:56:05 UTC
My husband and I have low money this year for Christmas we already bought some things already for us that is awaiting to be open in a few weeks.

You don't need to go broke on this Christmas season. If your in debt and way far in debt My succestion is to help at soup kitchen or a needy person and or give each other three needy gifts.

The Reason of the season is not Gifts and all the decked out spending it's about Jesus Christ's Birth.
2007-12-04 23:07:07 UTC
I've seen a fair amount of promotional ads for free workshops on how to shop within a budget for Christmas. You're not the only one affected. Cutting back on extravagance is where it's at this year, so comfort yourself--you're cutting edge, a pioneer in the rejection of excess.

Many, many people are saying "enough is enough" and making debt free living a goal. You are giving your kids so much more than material things--you are setting a great example for them to live by spiritually and financially.

Merry Christmas!
jacob c
2007-12-04 23:38:56 UTC
You and your husband are very far from alone! My fiance and I are in a boat very similar to yours. Last year i was able to work countless hours of overtime so that i could give my family the very best (thats what they deserve) presents to open christmas mornning. For me, personnally, I dont get off on receiving presents. As bad as it may be, my thing is being able to suprise everyone on my list with what they thought they werent going to get, to see the look in their eyes when they open their gifts. This year though was supposed to be better. This year my son is two years old. He is my only son but in my opinion this is the age at which i just adore his every expression. This is the year that he will be able to open his presents all on his own. This is the year that he will be able to understand what is going on. This is the year in which i have looked forward to, to see his little face light up with joy and to see his little eyes sparkle when he sees what santa/daddy has gotten him. And sadly this is the year in which i have not only started college but my hours have been cut. When i think about christmas mornning and how mutch more i wanted to be able to give, it breaks my heart. This year most of my family will be getting a new family photo when they open their gift from us. My problem is that i wont know weather to be emmbarassed by the gift or hummbled by the fact that this year I acctually get to see them due to the lack of work. So, if you think you are alone this christmas, I say you're in good company. I think i will be hummbled. After all, if you've got nothing else, you've got family and thats what counts. Happy Holidays - Jacob
2007-12-04 22:56:58 UTC
Im now 21 but growing up we didn't have money, so we always got one big present and like maybe 2 little ones, the big ones ranged from a CHEAP baseball glove, to a new toy, like a hotwheel car, but slightly bigger, you can also just make some cookies or just tell your kids you are saving for an excellent Xmas or birthday Next year....Kids depending on how old they are, just want at least A present, and for SANTA, to eat the cookies and drink the milk....I hope this helps at least a little.....Good luck and Happy Holidays
2007-12-04 22:59:49 UTC
We are in the same boat. We too are on the verge of going belly up. We finally took a trip to California that I have been needing to take to meet my birth family that I had never met except on the phone. Now we have no money for Christmas and are in major debt. We may have to sell our house if we can just to avoid bankruptcy. We had to make the trip though. It was now or maybe never. I had to see my real mother, grandparents, and siblings before I lose it all.
Watching in Westminster
2007-12-04 23:09:36 UTC
I like to think of all the people who would trade places with us in a heart beat. We may not have the material things that go so well with the holiday, but we have the spirit. I've been blessed with health, family and good friends. Bake a cake to celebrate the birth of our Lord and share it with those you love. Remember, gifts don't have to be things you buy. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you my friend.
2007-12-04 23:04:49 UTC
Hang in there.... December always hit our family hard too... i'm only 17 and my entire life i've had very limited gifts... listening to all my friends go on an on about what they got... not gonna lie it was hard to deal with especially when I was younger... but I have grown up a lot now.. an realized ... Christmas is not about getting gifts.. the thing I look forward to is getting together with loved ones... and I remember what Christmas is all about..... I hope your Christmas goes alright... I know its hard... every parent only wants to give their children the world... especially for Christmas... keep your head held high... a smile on your face... I'll pray for you! :)
Candi M
2007-12-04 22:59:49 UTC
I saw this coming. That is why I planned ahead. Bought presents since October gradually, sale items.

Joined a Christmas club. Paid so much a week for a christmas hamper and now it is delivered I have so much food for me and my family.

I have been in your boat before- here is my advice.

Buy budget, savings brands of food.

Put a limit on presents for children and adults.

Shop at budget stores.

Be creative and make your own decorations, possibly gifts such as your own soap and decorate them prettily.

Look in a craft book for ideas.

Another idea is to take some nice photos of you and your family members and give these as presents.

You can buy a cheap frame or make one yourself- or do scrap booking.

Another idea is on your computer, write a poem for someone's name on nice paper.


L is for laughing, happiness to share

E is for endearing, kindness you bear

A is for Affectionate, always a friend

H is for Happy, sweet smiles you send

LEAH your joy never ends.
2007-12-04 22:58:24 UTC
Well we have our kids' Christmas, but we havent closed on our house yet and we have to move out of our apartment Dec 31. We have no idea where we will stay if we dont close, and we have no idea when we are going to close. The seller's bank says it wont be on the 18th like we planned. We may be homeless for New Years.

One thing we dont do is worry. We will cross that bridge when the time comes.

Never worry yourself. Things work out as they should.
2007-12-04 22:56:49 UTC
don't worry about's like that sometimes...this year I won't be getting anyone anything...maybe not until after christmas...if you could do that, it would be awesome because everything goes on sale after christmas...

be thankful you have a place to live, have someone in your life and a job. you are living through another holiday, that is awesome enough!!! bring that spirit that you have to your family members, even though they might be able to afford gifts, they may not have that spirit like you do. set the tone for the holiday, girl!!!
2007-12-04 23:22:32 UTC
I am not buying presents this year and my family understands luckily I don't have children. But one great present I saw was giving your kids a certificate for one day alone with you to go to the park or a movie or whatever... I would have loved that as a kid and with 5 kids they probably don't see that kind of thing very often.
2007-12-04 22:56:34 UTC
Yes, we never have much money and I choose not to go all overboard (I could use the credit card) with my kids because I believe less "stuff" (clutter I like to call it) makes life harder.

makes kids selfish.

makes more to clean up.

costs to much money.

doesn't allow us to appreciate what we already HAVE.

takes the focus off of the real meaning of Christmas
2007-12-04 23:05:09 UTC
Heard in Dept. store--response on speakers to aborted request for Christmas-dept. assistance. Old, cranky chain-smoker voice booms over the speaker, "Cancel Christmas".
Maxeem A
2007-12-04 22:59:24 UTC
Well, I live in middle east, and as the US government raised the price of oil to get more money, products prices here raised to about 30%!!!

So I guess there will be no Christmas for me at all this year!!
2007-12-04 22:55:45 UTC
to get some presents for your children you can sign yourselfs or have someone else do it for a charity. like an angel tree? that way at least your kids can get some gifts ,you can put yourself on it too. im sorry about your financial situation.
2007-12-04 22:55:59 UTC
I don't have a job, barely have a house but I'm full of Christmas Spirit.
2007-12-04 23:18:09 UTC
See rite now I'm 18 and really have no desire to get presents I feel that it's better to spend time with family so instead of giving presents this yr we will have experiences.
2007-12-04 22:54:19 UTC
I am having a very limited Chanukah and I feel fine because I know how fortunate I am and really don't want anything.
Kim P
2007-12-04 22:57:20 UTC
same boat as you! just do something little with the kids like the park or movies or something thats what my parents always do and it is so special to me
2007-12-05 00:31:25 UTC
have you ever done Skipping Christmas?? do it! its fun :) too im keeping my christmas shopping very very minimal...and that is why im only buying one item this christmas and that is an iPod Touch. im sticking to one item this year :)
2007-12-04 22:54:19 UTC
no plans yet

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