What do you think about most UK firms banning Christmas decorations so that non-Christians aren't offended?
2006-12-05 14:10:13 UTC
I've just read this on Yahoo and I think it's unbelievable! What do you think?
52 answers:
2006-12-05 14:14:50 UTC
It's ridiculous. Im sorry but what about the majority of people that are offended byt he banning of it too? Ok if the Christmas decorations said "Merry Christmas to those who are Christians, every other religion is evil and should be condmened" then id agree. But im sorry, this is a festival of the birth of Jesus (religiously) or time for people to be happy etc. There would be an uproar if Muslim/Jewish/hindu festivals etc were banned because it offended Chrstians.
2006-12-05 16:17:07 UTC
If anyone bothered to read the story, very little of the ban has to do with religious reasons, but because firms are afraid of being sued for accidents. The article doesn't mention a SINGLE muslim group or person complaining about xmas decorations, only that some companies don't want to offend Muslims (great move--they save money on the decorations and the Muslims get blamed for it).

Quite frankly, I work in a dept that has 20 mostly Christmas celebrating people, and THEY can't even decorate the office without upsetting each other for various reason--none of which are religious in nature--so for goodness sake stop blaming it all on religious minority who couldn't give a hoot either way.

Political correctness is stupid--the kneejerk reaction against political correctness is often equally stupid, as it's aimed at the wrong targets.
2006-12-06 03:43:08 UTC
Britain is supposedly a democratic, "Christian " nation. The Christmas tree, tinsel and decorations have been a part of our christian Christmas Festival celebration for a very long time and should remain so. We as a nation are now multi-cultural and have accepted the celebration of many different festivals from many different cultures and religions why cannot the minority accept this Christian Festival? Why is it that a few idiots or "do gooders" who seem to be obsessed with so called political correctness seem to be hellbent on removing all our rights as a nation and completely destroying what little "Britishness" remains to us?
2006-12-05 14:34:37 UTC
This is total bollocks, thought out by half-wits. I'm the first one to object to racist language and stereotyping, not on the grounds of PC, but simple courtesy.

However, the fact is that non-Christians are not offended by Christmas, decorations, tinsel, trees, cards or inflatable reindeer. The myth that they are is put about by racists who seek to divide people of different races and is then believed by stupid people.

This means that stupid employers / managers get hold of this idea, act upon it and people blame the Muslims, Hindus whoever for spoiling their Christmas. Don't play their silly games! Celebrate Christmas - it's no more offensive to non-Christians than Diwali or Ramadan are to Christians.

Of course, as productivity slumps in the run up to Christmas, as people spend work time writing cards, putting up decorations, organising parties - then perhaps the employers have an ulterior motive for banning Christmas!
2006-12-05 14:23:32 UTC
I am a non-christian (very far from it), and I love christmas time! People should look beyond such petty thinking, and appreciate holidays of other cultures. I think every culture should have the freedom of expression. What's there to be offended? No one is forcing the other to "follow" their religion. Then what's the problem? I absolutely love the Christmas tree...and its decorations. Whereever I am in the world, or whereever I may be from, the holiday season is never complete without a lighted, decorated christmas tree, or other decorations signifying the holiday.
2006-12-05 14:23:51 UTC
I am Christian, I attend church most Sundays. I celebrate Christmas but I don't put up decorations, mainly because I just can't be bothered to. People seem to have forgotten what Christmas actually is, it's not about lights and presents.

And to the people who claim that the non-christians are high jacking the country... can I ask, when was the last time you attended a normal sunday church service?
2006-12-05 15:37:36 UTC
Shouty Dad; above, is 110 percent right! It really _is_ PC gone mad. I have some very good Chinese and Muslim friends and they enjoy the festive air of Christmas, and we exchange Xmas cards and gifts. One Chinese friend stayed over a Christmas at my home and thoroughy enjoyed the experience - including going to a carol service. So who is pushing this "Lets take Christmas out of Christmas" nonsense in the UK? It certainly isn't the non Christian people in our society. My own thoughts are that it is a trans-atlantic import, because when I was last in the USA over a Xmas period (2001) I found a high proportion of people wishing me 'Happy Holidays'. rather than 'Merry Christmas'. So to all who want to get rid of our seasonal traditions I can only say, in the immortal words of our old friend, Ebenezer Scrooge - "Bah, humbug!!
2006-12-05 14:17:26 UTC
why are we obsessed with thinking that different religions are offended. It only seems to be christians that suffer this PC obsession. Diwali still occurs every year; no-one complains, pagan rituals occur; no-one complains, and i dare say it a number of other religious icons each year cause no major offence to anyone. Live and let live, i'm sure people from other religions coming to a predominantly christian culture understand this....

a couple of years ago Birmingham renamed the christmas season the Winterval, in case it offended its ethnic population. Then it realised that it was ok...No it has a german market, but i don't hear the french or polish complaining. Birmingham has learnt to embrace all cultures, each having its own public display of importance throughout the year.

...just get busy living.....and be happy
2006-12-05 19:57:07 UTC
It seems to me that the people from religions who are offended by Christmas do not want integrate into our society. So our government and overly PC ngo's make it seem we should integrate into theirs.I think we are very tolerant here in the UK ,eg we have the second biggest mosque in the world and second largest Hindu temple being built,the schools are fighting to keep all children in the same uniform not ankle length black berkas sometimes this place just makes me want to scream
2006-12-05 14:29:07 UTC
I've been to England just before Christmas, actually Bath, and was charmed by the shops which featured reproductions of of old Christmas cards and ornaments, many of which I'd remembered from my own holidays with British relatives. I would hate to see these historical gems go away for the benefit of political correctness...can't see the British people accepting such a thing.
Cara an chait
2006-12-05 15:00:14 UTC
Utter silliness - and they are lying if they say that they are doing it so as not to offend non-Christians. It sounds more like they are protecting themselves against being sued for injuries caused by putting up decorations/falling on decorations/standing on decorations. If my memory serves me correctly, when some town council in England banned street lights for Christmas, the people who complained most were non-Christian shop owners who noticed that it hit their sales hard as their customers went to more cheerful-looking neighbouring towns for their Christmas shopping.

Mind you, the disease of PC has made itself felt in Ireland too. Last year, some bright spark in St James' Hospital in Dublin ordered that the hospital's crib/Nativity scene to be moved out of the public area and into the chapel (out of sight) so as not to offend the minority of people who he/she imagined might be upset at seeing the image of a couple with their baby surrounded by shepherds and farm animals. Interestingly, no-one complained about a similar crib/Nativity being located in the concourse of a shopping centre in Cork city nor of the large one in Patrick Street, the city's main thoroughfare (the SHARE crib).
2006-12-05 14:29:18 UTC
Hail and Greetings

I think it is stupid. I'm not Christian; I'm Asatruar and decorations do not offend me. Why cant people decorate for Christmas? Why would any non-Christian be offended over this? I'm not responsible for your feelings if you choose to be offended---this should be the firms stance.

I tells ya, I HATE political correctness. It is for cowards and morons!
Vinni and beer
2006-12-05 14:24:48 UTC
I usually think it's funny when Fundie christians are trying to defend a pagan symbol (like a christmas tree) from people who think other religionistas might get offended..................

But I do like christmas decorations, and this is more about political correct liberals than fundie religionists

Asa n agnostic/atheist, I say "damn all the PC twits to hell"
2006-12-05 19:37:12 UTC
This is definately political madness, firstly each country should be allowed to celebrate their own religious events when its due/at the correct time, certainly the world should honour and respect each country/nations religious beliefs. In the UK we should be allowed to display Christmas trees in offices if the company celebrates Christmas. We talk about racial discrimination in offices and how this must be banned/dis-allowed, so all nationality and creeds work together with no racial hatred and in equality, but this should not stop festive events/holidays being celebrated in the usual way. If other nationalities or cultures condone our celebration they themselves are then racially discriminating us, especially if the company itself celebrates that national holiday/festive event.
2006-12-05 14:15:34 UTC
I am a Non Christian but I celebrate Christmas and put up my decorations.

If people do not like it they can just shut their eyes until January in my humble opinion or spend December in a country that does not celebrate Christmas.
2006-12-05 14:24:02 UTC
Think its ridiculous. If people don't want to accept English customs and traditions then they shouldn't come to our country from other areas of the world. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but this country used to be a democracy, now its just full of people trying to change the way we live our lives so it makes them feel more comfortable here. If they don't wish to celebrate the customs such as Christmas, we won't push them to, but they should not criticize the way things have always been done here.
2006-12-05 14:16:09 UTC
It doesn't make sense because now the christains are offended for nor being able to celebrate a religious holiday. But for some reason that's ok. It's a crazy fuggin world we live in.
2006-12-05 14:20:50 UTC
How the funk does anyone of any religion get offended by tinsle, "look, its one of those trees with sparkly dangly bits on it, I find that extremely offensive." what the funk are you on, live and let live for god sakes, or have I just offended some one by saying that, come on people we live on a little sphere of rock and water, floating round a big ball of fire in the middle of space, life expectancy at the most is 100 years, has any one really got time to get agrovated over such petty things, Toxic.
2006-12-05 14:19:46 UTC
I think it's a disgrace, the politically correct brigade are running the country. Honestly, Christmas is first and foremost a Christian holy celebration, it's outrageous to try to remove that most important aspect of it, without that it's just a mindless orgy of gluttony and consumerism... and they say there is freedom of religious expression in the modern west.
Sonny Walkman
2006-12-05 14:24:24 UTC
Its complete ball locks.

If a muslim or member of any other religion offered me a greeting to celebrate their special occasions, I'd accept it in the spirit that it was intended.

People who make those decisions simply don't realise that the vast majority of people - whatever their religious beliefs or non-beliefs simply are not offended by other religious celebrations.
2006-12-05 14:22:34 UTC
It is ridiculous and the non christians need to grow up if they're getting offended. Are we going keep on letting people win and take away our traditions and rights just because abunch of people are offended? Why arent we offended over those who want to take away christmas for us? People are offended because they are immature and need to grow up. People, take a stand and dont just let people take things away just because they need to grow up! Why do we still have smoking in public places?
2006-12-05 14:28:13 UTC
They should ask the non-Christians first before taking action. I have heard of Muslims enjoying kids singing carols at a colleague's son school.
crazeeladee no more
2006-12-05 14:17:30 UTC
This is England! I am not a racist in the least, but if people are offended with what traditionally is a christian festival, then we have no hope for a peaceful future.

A diverse multi cultural society is great but we need our own traditions.......... We are the hosts supposedly
xXx Orange Breezer xXx
2006-12-05 14:14:48 UTC
It is totally wrong this is a Christian country, Church of England they are totally out of order......

Non christians knew what country they were moving too and Im sure for all those guys that fled a country at war the last thing they worried about is whether they would have to put up with christmas decco's every where in December..........

I wanna leave this country its gone bloody mad (im a bit angry now it makes me so grrrrrrrrrr)
2006-12-05 14:22:04 UTC
It is scandalous.

Are they also going to ban Happy Diwali banners hung across streets in the Midlands and in Northern towns?
2006-12-05 14:16:23 UTC
I wonder are most Iranian firms banning ramadan so they dont offend Christians...

What do you think?
polly a
2006-12-05 14:46:53 UTC
government and local councils are scared to death over racial and religious claptrap, yet they do nothing for the people who want things,for the majority who want Christmas joy we have to do without because some illegal git is offended, you do anything in any other country, its get out and stay out, or go to jail do not pass go do not get bail who gives a t*** what your government says your here and here is were you ll rot
2006-12-05 14:25:05 UTC
Do you know what the reasons are for this?because someone might fall over while putting up decorations and sue the's bulls**t you can fall over walking on bloody ice its your own stupid fault.i will say this though ,it isnt muslims etc that are offended.It is stupid middle aged morons who are british who want to live in nanny state where everything is safe and well.

rant over
love me like me hate me
2006-12-05 14:17:20 UTC
unbelievable,outrageous and pure bull sh-it .we are suppose to decorate and celebrate and have fun and good times without family.With out decorations it just not christmas.
2006-12-05 14:17:09 UTC
political correctness is not a bound and fast law, and does not have to be obeyed by anybody, they are chicken or anti religeous or just dont believe in christmas decor.
2006-12-05 14:15:42 UTC
It's just stupid!! Since a large majority of people in the UK are christians, why try to please a small minority?? That's like George Bush saying he's gonna totally ban Christmas and force people to celebrate Hannukah just to please Jewish people, who are a minority here.

You're walking down the street and see a sign that says "happy hannukah!" are you offended? I'm not...
2006-12-05 14:35:34 UTC
Pathetic!!!!!!!! PC has gone crazy and plenty of non-christians celebrate Christmas!
Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad
2006-12-05 14:24:13 UTC
I think the bastards are two-faced gits. They want us to spend our money on CHRISTMAS presents, but deny the very meaning of the holiday.

It might do well to let these merchants know if they deny Christmas, we buy nothing from them.
geoff t
2006-12-05 14:21:34 UTC
I have got past being surprised anymore,the Festive Season as been celebrated for hundreds of years by non believers.The big difference being they were agnostics not Muslim's.
2006-12-05 14:13:58 UTC
i think it's pc going to far, we don't have a problem where i work currently there is a Christmas tree in every office and one on show for our customers to see.
Super Girl
2006-12-05 14:17:58 UTC
I think is sad that they are banning the only year people are actually happy its here. Place of work also needs chear once in every blue moon. this is bogus!!!!!
2006-12-05 14:20:19 UTC
I just asked that same question too,i think its ridiculous pc gone too far..its seems everyone can have celebrations as long as theyr not british or seems its one rule for us another for everyone else
2006-12-05 14:19:06 UTC
i agree this is unbelievable, this is England we celebrate Xmas, isn't it time the politicians realised that we count as well before

someone evil like the bnp get elected into power.
2006-12-05 14:15:50 UTC
The Quid is a powerful motivator.
2006-12-05 17:46:58 UTC
It's crazy, I wonder how many Xmas card companies have banned them?
2006-12-05 14:20:39 UTC
i think it is a travesty when are these people going to stand up and say this is our f----ng country and we do what we have always done if you don't like the way we do things then go back to your own country we as English people have rights as well as all these foreigners
2006-12-05 14:19:32 UTC
and the worse thing about it is that most non-Christians don't care either way, it is usually the PC bosses and councils that dictate these situations, not non-Christians.
2006-12-05 18:15:45 UTC
Barmy. And why don't they care about offending Christians ?
2006-12-05 14:15:27 UTC
those who dislike Christmas, have the right to dis like it.

BUT they have no rite to impose their views on people that do like Christmas
2006-12-05 14:34:37 UTC
It's pathetic they shouldn't even be in the UK in the first place but now they are dictating about what they want.

2006-12-05 14:23:31 UTC
I think its crazy!

I dont think twice when I seeing different religions celebrating their festivals etc, I actually think its insulting to assume other religions are this petty by being offended.

2006-12-05 14:56:47 UTC
i think its messed up Christan's have to look at Santa.
2006-12-05 14:19:17 UTC
no fair coz most of the uk are christians or greedy people and we have to respect the religion and their celebrations
Goofy Goofer Goof Goof Goof !
2006-12-05 14:12:35 UTC
Political correctness gone mad!!
2006-12-05 14:12:50 UTC
they can pis- off if they don't like it, in fact I think most folk would pay their fares
2006-12-05 14:15:29 UTC
I don't think it really true. do you have a link?
2006-12-05 14:12:50 UTC
its sooo silly!

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