there are so many people who are in the same boat, that hopefully this year (and probably next) people will be able to take a step back from the normal "commercialised" festivities and actually begin to remember a time when christmas meant something different, something magical.
you hear so many people use the phrase "traditional christmas"... or an "old fashioned christmas".. and people yearning for something from the past that they miss.
well, it's the magic of christmas that everyone loves and those that don't celebrate it because they either can't see the point, or think it's a waste of money...etc.. well, they're the ones missing out.
but, a lot of people must be thinking the same this time around.. and it's because there are so many people that are worse off at the moment. but, that's capitalism for you, nothing wrong with it.. but there is with Greed.
however, the best way, would have been for this question to have been posted quite a few months ago, so that so many people could start preparing, or saving a lot earlier. that being said, there aren't that many people that can save at the moment.. but.. this would still have given people a lot of time for preparation.
what can you do... well, firstly I suggest people talk to one another, close friends and family members and if you are struggling, then explain it to them. they may well be in the same boat and will be glad to hear it's not just them. some other things you can do, are what has already been suggested... like, offering to help people out, as their christmas present.
you're good at decorating, or gardening, you can sew or knit, you can cook/bake... you determine what skills you have (and everyone has some) and you bake them a cake.. or make part of the christmas dinner... you keep someones garden tidy for a month next year.. or if it's really bad, weed it all & get it back to looking nice - providing you're only spending a small amount of money on a few ingredients or materials.. and most of it is just your own Labour.. there in itself is the gift.
so.. what to do, if you really are feeling the pinch. i know i am and have done in the past.
in the past i have made some garden obelisk planters for family. I'm not handy with making things, so i made sure i started early that year (october or november i think it was) to make sure i made them the best that i could. they were cheap too... because i managed to get the wood either very cheap or free (old wooden pallet). they weren't too bad in the end either. I planted them up and delivered them a few days before christmas.
last year I also wrote a short christmas story for my daughter.. and that was the best present, because she loved the story and it was "hers" and hers alone. (although I'd love to get it published now)
i also did a food hamper for my mum once, but i managed to get all the food goodies myself and made sure i got stuff she liked. that way i saved loads on the ready packaged ones.
i've also made my own christmas cards too, but only to close family. for friends and work colleagues i no longer bother. i can't see the point when they'll only go in the bin in a few weeks time, when it's a lot better just giving £10 to Oxfam. i've been donating each christmas to Oxfam now for about 10 years or so. might not be much, but everything counts.
or, go to your local church on christmas eve, sing some carols and hymns and donate some money to the church coffers..
other things you can do, and if you can stick to a budget - get some small gifts and put them in a stocking.. do you remember when you used to get yours at the end of the bed?
then, just make sure that whatever you get, you shop around and get the best value. a lot of shops will be having sales on before christmas because to a lot of them, the end of december will be the end of their financial year and if they haven't had a good year so far, they will be desperate to make some money, even if they have to slash their prices, because come the boxing day sales... who do you think is still going to have any money left except for those people that haven't been touched by the recent economic problems the whole country are facing.
only small tip.. when christmas day finally comes around and you're celebrating with your friends and family. be happy you're together, be nice to everyone, be grateful for any gift(s) you may get and try to remember what it was once like to be a child and you believed in Father Christmas who magically delivered presents under your Christmas Tree once a year. And for those that may or may not be religious, remember why we've been celebrating this day for over 2000 years.