What is an acceptable amount to spend on your wife for Christmas?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is an acceptable amount to spend on your wife for Christmas?
715 answers:
2009-11-27 06:35:09 UTC
£1 if that`s all you can afford,,
2009-11-27 06:28:46 UTC
I think that totally depends upon your income.
mike p
2009-11-27 06:30:23 UTC
At least 5 more dollars than she spent on you!
2009-11-27 06:38:55 UTC
I'm not married but whenever I've got a gift for a loved one its not the price, Its not the size its the thought thats gone into it. Make an effort, your obviously thinking about it enough as you've posted the question on here.

What does she like? Do you have kids in the frame too as I know that'd effect your ideas and budget to work with too.

Good Luck, just remember think of something decent not a mindless exspense from a highstreet covered in cack if I'm honest. If theres no Kids then think about maybe taking her somewhere.

Sorry I've ranted!
2009-11-27 16:01:57 UTC
Its not about the amount you spend its about the gift, I have had expensive gifts and cheaper gifts and sometimes the cheaper gifts have meant more to me than the expensive ones!!
2009-11-27 07:17:59 UTC
Any amount.....if you love your wife that much. The gift is priceless.
2009-11-27 06:30:21 UTC
I don't know. I depends on how much you have anyway.
2009-11-27 16:36:53 UTC
I'm not married but have a boyfriend. I don't think people should get pricey gifts then struggle to pay for food etc because of it, but at the same time they should go to an effort cost wise and not just be motivated by getting the cheapest possible thing. So as someone else has said, it depends on the individual's income. I think the important thing is that a lot of thought has gone into the present. If it's your wife, you should know her tastes and be able to come up with something she'll really love!
2009-11-27 06:32:51 UTC
It would probably depend on both of your income levels and you might want to talk with her about it. Communication is important.

Peace and love :)
2009-11-27 06:39:16 UTC
There's no answer to this question....there is no such thing. Really, it would be very stupid from the wife or the husband to be interested in "how much did he/she pay", C'mon, people!

The importance is to know your partner and get him/her what she likes. You should be spending time in getting to know your partne's likes instead of spendingmoney.

Plus, let's be spend lots of money on things we don't even use or like just to comply with the compromise, and what does she do? gets dissapointed inside and still says: Oh, Thank you! I love it!! .........................and on his part, he gets a stupid sweater or colognes or a game that is not the want he wanted, and what does he do? never wears it or excuse himself that he needs to read the instructions and never play it....

C'mon people!!! get to know your partner!!!! observe!!

Merry Christmas!!
2009-11-30 10:11:08 UTC
2009-11-30 07:58:32 UTC
Tiger T
2009-12-01 02:49:56 UTC
There is no "acceptable" amount. It is naive to think that spending a lot of money at Christmas proves how much you love someone. I try to get little gifts or flowers for my wife throughout the year as and when I can afford it - it doesn't need to cost much. We agreed to spend £10 on each other at Christmas which makes you try to think more creatively and it's surprising what you can do with this amount. Enjoying spending time together at Christmas is more important than expensive presents. I hope you all have a happy and loving Christmas.
2009-12-01 02:26:51 UTC
How long have you been married? If this is your first Christmas together as husband and wife take her to a hotel to a dinner-dance, where you can wine and dine and stay overnight without distractions. She might like a new dress for the occasion, so gift problem solved. If this is not your first Christmas together, how much did you spend in previous years? Was it, in her eyes too much or too little ? Was the gift for her or for you? Valentine's Day is often an excuse for men to buy their partners some sexy underwear. How much did you spend on this special day? How about birthdays - the same applies. Your past spending/thinking should give you a guide.

Buy something to make her laugh - it need not be expensive.

When I was a teenager I remember buying my mother some new non-stick pans, thinking it would make her life easier as the old pans were worn out. Big mistake, as I was only confirming her domesticity.

Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus we are told, so if all else fails you could just ask her what she would like as a present. And then buy the additional funny gift to make her laugh. Only you know your financial circumstances and whether any of this is feasible.

I in 5 Britons will spend less on presents in 2009. Some of this relates to customers wanting better deals and being wiser with money but there is concern about paying for everything.

Is this situation seems like your own then you have your answer.
2009-12-01 07:55:33 UTC
HANG ON A MINUTE..... Kisses, cuddles,and someone to cook christmas dinner is all well and good but if I spent £100 on his christmas presents I would be a bit put-out if this was all I got in return. Christmas is a time for giving in order to receive otherwise why would you bother playing fair and spending an entire £5 on the office secret santa?

I think the trick is to arrange a budget. For example me and my husband both earn a comfortable amount and we agree to spend between £150- £200 on each others christmas presents. That way neither of us feel hard-done-by or (the flip side) overwhelmed by the others generosity. Obviously if you're both poor and young your budget may be a more modest £10-£50 and if you're the Beckhams anything less than £50'000 would be a stocking filler.

As lovely as kisses and cuddles are, if your man can afford to spend £10 in the pub each week with maybe the odd £30 footy match or computer game I can't think why he wouldn't be able to spare a few quid to buy you something nice at Christmas.
2009-12-01 01:57:34 UTC
Probably about 5% or 10% of your monthly salary. People spend too much time 'reading' into what presents at Christmas mean. Does he/she love me enough with this present? If your wife works hard and then earns the same amount as you, or if she does housework/baby caring 'in lieu' of a paid job, then you should show her that she's loved and appreciated at Christmas. Men however aren;t good at shopping. It's a chromosomal thing! If you get something then that's the main thing. I live in a country (Greece) where women expect a certain amount and will have a hissy fit if they don't get it.My boyfriend usually gets me something heartfelt and it shows that he's thinking of me. Sometimes he gets it wrong-we're all human after all! He once got me a perfume which he was so chuffed about that I didn;t have the heart to tell him it would be better off as toilet cleaner. One year he got me a special edition of a book that I was amazed at. The bottom line is-don't get into debt over presents. And if you don;t have any money, get something small. If what you're missing with your wife during the year is enough time/quality time together, then what better idea than spending a day together? Worth much more than money?
2009-12-14 17:05:29 UTC
This, will be a fairly depressive answer. But an answer none the less.

If, my ex boyfriend came upto me, and asked me what I wanted for christmas, I'd quote that o so cheesy line "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

He just spent £200 on his new girlfriend. They've barely been together six months. Not an inch of me is jelous at the amount he's spent on her, but the time.

Sure I'll be happy on Christmas morning, when I get the Batman DVD I wanted, or the new Graphic Novel I've been itching for, but these matirialistic things mean so little when you compare it to so many other things.

This Christmas, all I want is a second chance to say "I Love You" and mean it.

You dont know what you've got until its gone, and when it's gone, you dont get a chance to go back armed with this knowlege.

This doesnt just go for me, this goes for anyone who is spending Christmas without their loved ones. Im sure when you ask the recent window what she wants, her answer would be her husband. For the young daughter, whos father is fighting in Iraq, she'll ask for her Daddy, for the teenage son, whos mother is in hospital battling cancer, he'll be begging for her to come home.

When you compare money, to those things, it seems to irrelivant.

When you think of all the people you could be spending christmas without, a £200 new gold necklace, would mean bugger all if you were spending that day apart from the people you love.

2015-10-15 05:49:00 UTC
It's a chromosomal thing! If you get something then that's the main thing. I live in a country (Greece) where women expect a certain amount and will have a hissy fit if they don't get it.My boyfriend usually gets me something heartfelt and it shows that he's thinking of me. Sometimes he gets it wrong-we're all human after all! He once got me a perfume which he was so chuffed about that I didn;t have the heart to tell him it would be better off as toilet cleaner. One year he got me a special edition of a book that I was amazed at. The bottom line is-don't get into debt over presents. And if you don;t have any money, get something small. If what you're missing with your wife during the year is enough time/quality time together, then what better idea than spending a day together? Worth much more than money?
2009-11-30 06:54:12 UTC
My first thought = Really strange question to ask given that you probably know your wife better than anyone.

There is no acceptable amount. You will either feel good about what you've bought or bad that you've not bought enough. If its the latter, I'd suggest spending more money. Job done. Use your instincts rather than what is a good amount. If she is hung up about having a specific amount of money spent on her, I'd suggest she's only with you for the cash so maybe move on and get a less pretentious wife...
2009-11-28 11:32:44 UTC
There isn't an "acceptable" amount to spend on your wife or vice versa. Having said that she may be worried about the money so it may help if you talk about it beforehand and agree a price range. If money isn't a problem (lucky you!) there still isn't an "acceptable" amount.

Regardless of the level of income you have or the money you spend, your wife will appreciate a gift that you have obviously put a lot of thought into rather than trying to impress her with big expensive gifts that may not mean as much. The thought you put into it is a greater indication of your love for her and she will love you for it!
2009-12-01 05:06:49 UTC
Money doesn't come into it unless you are a shallow materialistic person, and that applies to whatever your financial status may be. A gift costing a couple of dollars can mean far more than something costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars i.e. you can own little money in the world but still give a gift that you can barely afford to someone special and if they love and appreciate you for who you are and not what you are, it means a great deal.

If however you are fortunate to have a very high or limitless income, your gift costing thousands of dollars actually means less because it is just another purchase you made with no saving or effort - just my ten cents worth.

Happy Christmas everyone :-)
2010-01-05 12:50:13 UTC
It depends on a huge amount of variables, but here are a few of the main ones:

1) How much can you afford?

2) If your wife a material person? Does she care about how much a give was?

3) How have things been between you two this past year?

Personally, I'm not married but I tend to spend, on average, about $300-$500 on birthday and Christmas gifts for my girlfriend. If I know there is something she really wants, I will make every effort to get it. That being said, I'm reasonably well off and my girlfriends "says" she doesn't care about expensive gifts but I can see how much happier they make her.
2009-12-06 06:54:45 UTC
Well if your quite well-off then you haven't got much excuse.

If it were me as the wife I would be wanting jewellery or a nice holiday or something special and romantic, so I would say don't spend more than £500 (If your planning on buying her a car or a luxury cruise somewhere then ignore that, £500 won't get you very far) If its just an every-year kinda thing, nothing that special then no more than £200. But no less than about £45. It also depends what she's use to, her personality, while some women would be over-the-moon by an expensive present, others may feel guilty and force you to take it back were it came from. Good luck.
2009-12-03 05:58:55 UTC
This looks to be a devil's question. To be romantic and at the same time calculative, the following would be a best estimate on how much you can spend on her

Your wife's age x No. of Christmas you have spent together = Acceptable amount to be spent on your wife.
2009-12-01 07:42:49 UTC
Is this for real?? What happened to the joys of Christmas and spending time with your family and the people that you care about?? There is far too much worrying about how much things cost - completely irrelevant to life. Most people would just be happy with something that has been chosen with love and thought - unless you are completely shallow and money grabbing that the price tag is all you care about! If so - I imagine you will be having a very sad and lonely Christmas without any people who actually care about you....

Having said that I'm hoping for a Porsche... NO only joking, Diamonds will do just as well....
2009-12-01 03:10:15 UTC
My wife and I came up with the solution because we always try to outdo or outgive each other every year.

We decided to agree upon an amount that we would spend on each other each year and that solved the following problems. She never feels unvallued because she knows how much I would spend on her and vica versa, we are now challenged with spending cleverly and thoughtfully in stead of just spending so our gifts have become more personal and roundabout October we allready start fishing for ideas and dropping hints at the same time.

With the agreed amount we buy one big gift and a couple little ones for example a watch she really really wants and little personal items like her favourite chocolates, tickets to a romantic movie and a voucher for the hairdressers or a day spa.

The biggest problem this solved for me was not discovering on the day that the gift that cost me 2-3 months sweat from my back was not liked by her and that that xmas was the first and last time she touched said gift,now she gets what she wants and I dont go into recession for months afterwards.

So in short, agree with her on the amount, haggle with her, start with what you would love to pay and go up in increments of 10 or 20 depending of your willingness and her frown, start at £100 and work your way up or down remembering that you will receive the same value in your gift- and every year around now you agree an amount based on both your finances
2015-10-24 19:33:20 UTC
Christmas together as husband and wife take her to a hotel to a dinner-dance, where you can wine and dine and stay overnight without distractions. She might like a new dress for the occasion, so gift problem solved. If this is not your first Christmas together, how much did you spend in previous years? Was it, in her eyes too much or too little ? Was the gift for her or for you? Valentine's Day is often an excuse for men to buy their partners some sexy underwear. How much did you spend on this special day? How about birthdays - the same applies. Your past spending/thinking should give you a guide.
2014-10-08 05:54:35 UTC
But an answer none the less.

If, my ex boyfriend came upto me, and asked me what I wanted for christmas, I'd quote that o so cheesy line "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

He just spent £200 on his new girlfriend. They've barely been together six months. Not an inch of me is jelous at the amount he's spent on her, but the time.

Sure I'll be happy on Christmas morning, when I get the Batman DVD I wanted, or the new Graphic Novel I've been itching for, but these matirialistic things mean so little when you compare it to so many other things.

This Christmas, all I want is a second chance to say "I Love You" and mean it.

You dont know what you've got until its gone, and when it's gone, yo
2009-12-01 04:25:42 UTC
I am returning home to the UK for Christmas after 3 months in Saudi Arabia. After being separated from my family for that length of time the amount spent can only be measured in terms of quality time. I will buy my wife a suitable gift for Xmas but I truly believe that my being there will be the best gift for all the family.

Give a thought to the families of our brave servicemen who are fighting for our freedom all over the world. Would the size or value of a gift mean anything compared to having a loved one safe at home on Christmas Day?
2009-12-19 11:27:47 UTC
This really depends on your income. I think that you should talk to your wife about how much you should spend on each other, so that there are no real surprises on Christmas morning ( i.e. she spends $200 and you spend about $50 )

Also, it depends on WHAT you're getting her with the amount of money you choose to spend, make it something meaningful and something she'll use often! Everyone loves gifts that keep on giving !
Armoured Fury
2009-12-01 08:01:08 UTC
@ belkenn - Awww that is SO sweet! I met my fiancee online too and we're very much in love :)

Okay here's what i do.. If i'm out shopping with her and i notice something that catches her eye, i'll make a mental note of it.

Like the other day we were shopping and we past this store and she glanced into it and said

"Them boots are nice and that's my favourite colour too..."

Also a few months back i recall her saying how she used to watch this tv series as a kid but it wasn't on any more and it made her think of her childhood. So i'm going to buy her the complete series as well for Christmas.

It's the little things that matter you know? If you do the sort of thing that i mentioned above then it'll really make her hapy because it will show that you do have an interest in her and her thoughts and the things she likes :)
2009-12-01 07:26:20 UTC
My tip is to get her a few gifts, it's the whole unwrapping experience that's great, my other half normally gets 6-7 presents whether it's Christmas or birthday, 1 or 2 will be something that cost a little more and the others are nice little bits and pieces, a new t-shirt for the gym, candles for the house, a CD, a book... Shows you've thought about the things she likes, it's not just about cash...
2009-12-01 04:06:04 UTC
Last year, my husband and I set each other a challenge - we chose a random amount of money, and that's what we would spend. I think it was £65.81. We had great fun, and I bought him lots of fun things (those shoes with wheels in, second hand for £7 so he could just 'have a go'), some books after searching around and getting the best deal I could online, some expensive whisky that he loves, and a couple of other small things.

Because it was a game, we both had fun, and at the same time, we had a budget to work to.
2009-12-01 03:04:03 UTC
To be honest.. speaking from experience and ive known other do it aswell... but something that means something.. or something that u can put time into once bought.. most women dont look at the price or the size but the thought thats gone into buying it.. or the thought gone into developing it..

It is always nice to get something meaningfull rather than expensive.. women love that..

For example..... a personalised gift that is about the 2 of u rather than just ur wife.. or a presant that when u got it home.. u still had to spend time on it to develop it in some way..

Most women look carefully at the presant for what it is rather than how much or where it came from x
Tim & Nicola
2009-11-30 08:42:38 UTC
Put it this way my other half wants the following;

Face Cream


Dressing Gown



and various other nicks and knacks (I have bought the lot)

I would spend money on her of which I do not have, as long as the children are catered for and everyone is happy. I wanted to buy her a motor bike but the threat of divorce detered that gift. If all the other wifes out there are like mine they all have the cost in their heads and go mad if its a rediculous amount, or pass what they see as resonable.

At the end of the day if its makes them happy for one day and stops you getting nagged, buy them the world. Then on boxing Day its business as usual and you realise the world is not enough lol.

Have a merry xmas everyone and all the best for 2010
2009-11-30 08:34:56 UTC
Listen bud, women love surprises that show you've thought about things and some of the best things in life don't cost that much.

I've found giving 10 different small things that cost under £50 has given more smiles than a single thing over £100.

If you really want to impress, the best gift is something to look forward to after Xmas... a show... a trip somewhere even if it is in some B&B...

Remember, if you're worried how much to spend, then you're on a rocky road... as remember you can't buy affection, so give her things that money can't buy by keeping her on her toes and reminding her by the things you do that she's lucky to have u.

best of luck bud...
2009-11-30 07:43:08 UTC
There is no 'acceptable' amount! U spend whatever u want to spend! The main thing is the thought u put into whatever you get! Ive spent £450 on my other half this crimbo but I know what ive bought him will make him the happiest man alive! It doesnt matter if he spends a penny on me, Im just happy being with the people I love to be with most - my family!! =D Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
2009-12-01 06:06:15 UTC
It doesn't matter what you spend on your wife, partner or lover, as long as you put some thought behind the gift or gifts. I will normally buy a main present and lots of little gifts, don't forget that the wrapping paper and card are just as important. It is not the value of a gift but the fact the you remember and thought about the gift that counts. I always help my kids pick the right gifts from them for their mum, and make sure they get nice paper and a card too even though they are in their teens.
James L
2009-11-30 09:07:34 UTC
It would depend very much on the wife my friend. If you have been stupid enough to marry a money grabber who is only with you for the money, I suggest you get the wallet out and ensure that your financial installment is sufficient to tide you over with physical gifts until Valentines Day or her birthday if that comes first.

However as much as it pains me to give you the benefit of the doubt (being you have asked such an intellectual question) I will assume that you are married to someone you love who loves you for who you are. In this instance it is irrelevant the amount you spend. It is the thought that counts. It is more important for you to get her something that only you would think to get her. Something special and unique to her. Preferably something that will show her that you are both thoughtful and sincere. I would avoid the cliche route at all costs. Get her something that shows you know her, understand her and love her. It is not hard mate, pull your finger out and make some effort.

I hope she appreciates it though.
Toseland's Future Wife
2009-11-30 08:10:53 UTC
If you earn £100 a week how much you spend would be very different than if you earned £100 an hour... What is acceptable is what you can reasonably afford. If you choose to go without a night down the pub to go that extra mile for her - then good for you... but a gift is not a gift if you can't afford it. She will love you for the thought you put in, not for the debt you get in to pay for it...

We always discuss a limit beforehand, something that is based on our monthly finances... good luck & happy shopping - I'm sure she'll love it!
Ms.Hawaiian Princess
2009-12-21 09:35:40 UTC
It Really Depends On your Earnings But The Price Is Not Really What Matters You Can Buy Her Or Make Her Something REally Thoughtful And That Will Impress Her more Than An Expensive Gift She Might Not Even Use:)

Good Luck:D
Count ZOrg
2009-12-01 02:15:06 UTC
Take out a loan for an amount of money that will have you a slave to the system for the rest of your life. Your wife will then hate you because your life is in ruins BUT the bankers will thank you for their Christmas gift of YOUR SOUL.

The thing is, you will realise that the money never really existed in the first place and question your initial gift idea. YES, you have realised that gifts are something that money should never be considered in.

Don't support all the this rubbish. I really hope Yahoo! have done this to really see how we are and not encourage this kind of money-based judgement.
2009-11-28 20:50:31 UTC
You should think about something deep that your wife has not talked about but she still likes. Then it will be a surprise. You should spend a comfortable amount at least 5 more then your wife to however much you want. If the price is under you should buy flowers with the left over money.
2009-12-01 08:28:56 UTC
It's not about how much you spend. But as others have said it is the thought that goes into what you buy.

Alternatively, discuss between yourselves a monetary limit and both write a list of things that you really want that fall within that limit. Then get one or more items from that list. That way you both get something you want and don't over spend. it works well for me and my wife. If there are clothes on the list then agree where they are to come from and get voucher s for that store so that your partner can pick the clothes they really like.

Hope this helps.
2009-11-30 17:05:58 UTC
Find out what she really wants (this you should already know; if you have being paying attention to her). Then buy the best you can afford to spend; give it with love and if you do so, the amount you spend is irrelevant. My lady has wanted a dolls house since she was a little girl but no one has ever bought her one. She has one this Christmas and I can’t wait to see her face on Christmas day. I am 60 and my beautiful Penny is 65 and we met online 18 months ago. I would buy her the earth, but I cannot afford to do so. I spend what I can on what I know will make her happy. Do so for your ladies and you will see smiles.

2009-11-30 09:10:30 UTC
When me and hubby were hard up, we gave each other a limit of £20 and we both had a little santa sack and we had 1 hour to go round the shops and fill the sack with nick nacks, only usable stuff was allowed, that way we had to be inventive and it meant that we both had a surprise. It was good fun and so we kept the tradition going for many years even when we could afford to buy each other more expensive stuff in later years we always looked forward to opening the santa sack the rules stayed the same and it was always so much fun on christmas eve. Sadly I lost my husband last year and the santa sack is one memory I will never forget. Have a go it is good fun.
Heather G
2009-11-30 08:42:39 UTC
Forget about christmas who needs it anyway? My husband and I have been together for over 20 years we have always had a christmas dinner with our family and never celebrated christmas. We celebrate January sales we have even brought our daughters up the same way. It would greatly upset me if my husband bought me a present at christmas only to find it in the sales at a third of the price he paid for it. I would much rather have the gift at a cheaper price that way I can have something else and because I have brought my kids up that way and not told them lies about christmas they feel that way too. The important thing is spending time together at this time of year and not having stress of not being able to find the perfect present. If you love someone and they love you presents are irrelevant, but you cannot replace lost time of not being together.
2010-01-16 06:23:12 UTC
2010-01-01 15:03:35 UTC
The concept of husband spending money on wife is for insecure couples. Money in the house belongs to the family. Husband and wife together decide what to buy and when to buy. Let it be Christmas or any other time. If one of them wants to surprise the other wants to surprise the other once in a while, like Christmas time, anniversary or birthday, then it depends on different things like what the spouse likes and what can be your budget to buy.
2009-12-16 14:24:20 UTC
As a wife, I would never want my hubby to go above what would be reasonably and realistically within his budget. Any gift given from your heart has no price tag. Times are tough all over the world and we woman understand that. Start the new year not being in a hole of debt. Buy her one nice item of something she likes, be it earrings, a favorite bottle of perfume, pretty blouse. I'm sure she has everything she needs all year round. But, it is sweet that you're asking this because you do want to be sure she's pleased, while not seeming cheap about her gift. Merry Christmas to you both.
2009-12-01 09:12:36 UTC
Hey people!!! I think outing is just the best of it all. Why? because women prefer to be alone with their lover as-in husband or whichever one than those apologies gift i must say. Or better still give her a treat she will never forget throughout that year. Take her out to a place like Mid-night blues bar or a peaceful and quite place I think that will do and if any gift follows that will make it more perfect. believe it or not sometimes gift doesn't really count, whatever little time you share together with your wife is what that matters most.

2009-12-01 06:49:00 UTC
Being a woman and therefore know it all :) you should not see it as about quantity- but more thought. Ladies always love female things like perfume, stockings, underwear, handbags, jewellry, spas. Now, if you cant choose something yourself that will suit her style, then opt for a gift voucher from a store like accessorize (handbags, jewellry), debenhams (perfume/acessories), M&S (underwear), or the online figleaves underwear store, as these are always good bets and dont forget to write in the card what the money is for -e.g a bottle of perfume etc. If selecting underwear, it´s not always possible to exchange them - so make sure you know her stlye (wired or non-wired bras), cut of knickers (briefs, minis, g strings, full on grannies) etc and preferred fabrics - (I am not a personal lover of lace or satin when it comes to frillies!). If perfume, then check out the counters at Debenhams and ask for a recommendation and to smell them.- dont go cheap on perfume as it usually smells bad! (I would say you need to spend about 30-35 pounds for either of the last two items for reasonable quality. If you are really not sure, a voucher option is great as they can always add more or re-use. Some small chocolates from thorntons (they do champagne eggs for about 80 pence each) and a nice bottle of wine from M&S is also a nice touch and doesnt make you look too much of a scrooge if that is what you are worried about. You can wrap them all up and present them together as a pamper package for her - simply place in a nice box from Clintons or elsewhere. She´ll admire your creativity and thoughtfulness!! The other thing to do is to buy small things and place them inside little pouches on the xmas tree like make up, earrings, choccies, stockigns etc.
2009-11-30 13:45:21 UTC
The way you present the gift with love matters than the money value of the gift.

1. Take a paper & pen and write 10 items she likes the most and rate the items based on her favourites.

For example:

1. BMW Car

2. Earrings

3. Ring

4. Dress (The type of dress and color she likes also matters)

5. Flat

6. Laptop

7. Mobile Phone

8. Paintings

9. Favourite tourist place

10.Books (which she might be looking to buy)

2. Choose 2 favourite items which you can buy without loan/debit.

For Example:

1. Diamond Ring

2. "10 Years Younger" Nutrition Bible

3. Find the cheapest price from price comparison websites like and

For Example:

If she loves to look younger and eat a balanced diet then the book "10 Years Younger" Nutrition Bible is available for just £11.99 from

4.Give the gift to her surprise.

Gift with love matters than the money value of the gift..
Teamrazer C
2009-11-30 10:43:40 UTC
It not the price that counts if she truly loves you. Best thing for Xmas is to be there with you're family/wife and be safe.

Ideas though if you stuck on things that women like -

1) Books.

2) Re-runs of sex and the city or some other girl video garbage.

3) Perfume.

4) A hand making Xmas dinner.

5) A booked holiday somewhere.

6) A baby (in some case's *wouldn't recommend though if on a tight budget as Xmas next year be twice as hard to think about gifts :D*

7) a pet of some sort

8) Money for her to buy cloths she wants (than rather having the whole *i love those shoes and you never see them on her for the next 25 years*)
2009-11-30 08:08:47 UTC
It is the thought that counts, your financial situation. When my husband asked what i want for christmas I told him to put the money towards the kids presents. I am of the belief that i do not have to get a christmas present as if there is something i really like during the year that can be my present. Christmas is for the children. I know how much my husband loves me.
2014-10-20 05:11:54 UTC
Certainly though, Im looking forward to see how much we advance. I remember 10 years ago, when i was 9, i bought the first computer my family has ever owned. A computer that had 75 mhz processing speed (compared to the one i bought last summer and am using right now, that is 3.2 ghz) cost $2000 brand new (i was fortunate enough to have a druggie working for my parents in there grocery store, who really needed the $500 i saved up in the 5 years i was dreaming of getting a computer). But reall
2010-01-11 07:22:39 UTC
it depend on the type of gift you are giving her.

If it's a gift from the heart: priceless

There's no limit to those kind of gifts, because they are meaningful and special

If it's a material gift: no less than $75 ( but this rule doesn't have to happen every time, it can also be something really special and it just so happens that it doesn't cost too much.

Whatever the case may be it actually doesn't matter the price, just as long as you know your wife will LOVE it!

Hope that helps!
2009-12-03 08:15:36 UTC
From my point of view , and having in consideration Jenifer Lopez song "Love don't cost a thing" I think that for Christmas a women should get something not cheap ...but not that expensive something that makes her feel like a woman , like a faithful wife and perfect mother.

Every woman/wife likes things that she never could buy , not because is expensive but because she have other priorities in her life.

Find the item towards she smiles and return to the shop later and buy it.

Also use a nice presentation because you give a present is like 80% IMPORTANT , a ring in a Christmas three etc...
2009-11-30 14:27:13 UTC
There is no acceptable amount!

I have been married for 27 years, unusual by todays standard,

I have seen couples spend thousands of pounds on there spectacular over the top weddings only to split up in less than a couple of years and some even less than that,

If you spent nothing do you love them any less?

Or if you spend thousands, does that mean you love them any more?

The greatest amount you can spend is your time together,

nuf said!!
2009-11-30 13:19:41 UTC
I'm a wife and my husband and I have a £10 limit on Christmas presents for each other because we go away for Christmas so the holiday is our gift to each other. I must admit I've gone over budget this year but it's tickets for a show he'll love!
2010-01-09 09:12:59 UTC
Between 2% - 10% of your gross monthly income. FOR YOUR WIFE OR HUSBAND. For friends, it would be much less, like maybe 0.5%-2%.

For example, if you gross $2,000 per month, you should spend at least $40 but not more than $200.

Sorry this is well after Christmas, mate, but at least if you're leaning towards the $200 end, you can start saving for next year!
2009-11-30 06:47:00 UTC
If you have to ask, your marriage will soon be on the rocks ;)

As other answers, it does depend on what you can afford. She might appreciate a shiny nice BMW and if you're a millionaire, go for it. If you have to take out a substantial loan or wind up in debt, she won't appreciate it so much.

Theoretically, you shouldn't need to spend any money on each other. Just taking time for her should be enough. In practice this obviously isn't the case.

Look at what she bought last year and have a stab at matching or beating it in quality and quantity.

And ALWAYS buy her something she WANTS, not something she NEEDS. She might need weighing scales or a larger pair of jeans to cope with her new post-childbirth figure but NEVER make this a gift. You have been warned.
2014-10-13 15:12:37 UTC
how much you spend would be very different than if you earned £100 an hour... What is acceptable is what you can reasonably afford. If you choose to go without a night down the pub to go that extra mile for her - then good for you... but a gift is not a gift if you can't afford it. She will love you for the thought you put in, not for the debt you get in to pay for it...

We always discuss a limit beforehand, something that is based on our monthly finances... good luck & happy shopping - I'm sure she'll love it!
2014-10-09 16:46:46 UTC
come into it unless you are a shallow materialistic person, and that applies to whatever your financial status may be. A gift costing a couple of dollars can mean far more than something costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars i.e. you can own little money in the world but still give a gift that you can barely afford to someone special and if they love and appreciate you for who you are and not what you are, it means a great deal.

If however you are fortunate to have a very high or li
2009-12-13 07:23:36 UTC
All of your money wont be acceptable, so spend on her as you where spending on your self.

Acceptable is an unappropriate term to use here, a good wife's job is to make you feel good with whatever ammount you spend on her, because it's not the monetary amount is whats important here, it's the amount of love given to her with this money.
2009-12-01 05:50:48 UTC
You should never go into debt for christmas. what we always do is buy something that we need. A joint thing. The money comes out the same pot so it does not matter. This year we are getting a microwave and a new bed. we are both happy with that. Then as our christmas present to all relatives we have a christmas night party at ours. :->
karen h
2009-12-01 03:00:10 UTC
Spending quality time together is much more important, we save up together and buy each other a holiday or short break (a cheapie travelodge weekend works just as well), Christmas is about spending time with the one you love not spending heaps of money on things you don't need. Make time for her so you can remember why you are together.
2009-11-30 12:41:51 UTC
It's not about the money it's about the thought behind the gift, whether it be £5 or £50 it's about buying something that means something to the other person, even just making the day extra special without gifts, love is the key people! Merry Christmas!
2009-11-30 12:29:11 UTC
It totally depends on you. And what you think a decent present is. I spend about £30-70 on my girlfriend normally. But this year she only want's me to spend £10-20 because we're having a baby soo. It depends on you, on what a acceptable amount is. Remember it's the thought that counts!!
2009-11-30 10:27:55 UTC
Around £100
2009-11-30 09:48:20 UTC
I have been married happily for over 26 years and have never bought my wife a Christmas or birthday, anniversary, valentine, etc. present. Neither has she bought one for me. Considering the useless presents we received every year made us agree not to. My wife has very little idea of what I really want - (in actual fact I don't want anything). If I were to buy my wife clothing or jewellery it would not be her choice and therefore not really what she wants. Instead of getting useless presents, we buy ourselves a treat if we see something we want when on vacation each summer. Sometimes this may be a joint decision for a piece of art or sculpture and sometimes individual decisions, (my wife really likes picking her own jewellery). More important than the value of material possessions is the time and effort we put into enjoying each others company. We spend lots of time dancing and have made many good friends and our social calendar is full. We also tend our gardens and even though I've never bought her flowers, she has lovely fragrant flowers, freshly cut, all through the spring, summer and autumn. We value money very little but we value love and quality time together hugely. Hope this helps.
2009-11-30 08:02:38 UTC
Christmas is not about how much you spend on someone its about spending time with your loved ones but obviously we all spend money buying gifts, and material now adays is so much more important to the majority of people.

I would say as long as whatever you have brought for her is personal and for her (not for the house or because u wanted it) she will be happy.

Be grateful for what you get because there is always someone else out there getting less.
2014-10-28 07:44:50 UTC
I get the Batman DVD I wanted, or the new Graphic Novel I've been itching for, but these matirialistic things mean so little when you compare it to so many other things.

This Christmas, all I want is a second chance to say "I Love You" and mean it.

You dont know what you've got until its gone, and when it's gone, you dont get a chance to go back armed with this knowlege.

This doesnt just go for me, this goes for anyone who is spending Christmas without their loved ones. Im sure when you ask the recent window what she wants, her answer would be her husband. For the young daughter, whos father is fighting in Iraq, she'll ask for her Daddy, for the teenage son, whos mother is in hospital battling cancer, he'll be begging for her to come home.
2009-12-13 15:02:15 UTC
It depends completely on the person's income, their morals, and how much they value gifting a love one at Christmas. It's honestly different for everyone, for example, one woman might value a hug or a kiss over any material thing a husband could buy her, while another woman would want a diamond ring, as a token that she can show off to the world with.
Coofer Cat
2009-12-01 04:55:50 UTC
Avoid the "oneupmanship", and decide on an amount that both of you can spend. You'll be amazed how creative you'll become when you've only got a £10 limit (or whatever). It means you can't just go and buy something expensive (which let's be honest, is sort of the easy way out), so you'll end up buying something thoughtful instead.
2009-12-01 03:44:25 UTC
Come on everybody lets remember the real meaning of Christmas it's not the presents - its not the giving or receiving but it's the chance to welcome friends and family into your home and remember why we are all here, the present is just a bonus and the children are the only ones it is really for. Happy Christmas Spending!
2009-11-30 08:35:42 UTC
Its not the amount that you spend on your wife that is of importance, its more about the thought that goes into choosing a gift. She may be happy with a fancy box of chocs and a nice pot plant if thats what she is into, equally she may squeal at getting a jewell encrusted eternity ring? As we don't know your wife and what she likes, we can't completely help with your question. But at the end of the day, whatever you buy her, im sure it will be given to her with your love, and thats important.
2014-10-28 07:28:40 UTC
are a shallow materialistic person, and that applies to whatever your financial status may be. A gift costing a couple of dollars can mean far more than something costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars i.e. you can own little money in the world but still give a gift that you can barely afford to someone special and if they love and appreciate you for who you are and not what you are, it means a great deal.

If however you are fortunate to have a very high or limi
2009-12-10 08:28:40 UTC
Instead of spending money on her why not take her up breakfast in bed on Christmas morning, simple things like juice, buttered toasted crumpets and fresh fruit.

Have lunch out instead of her having to slog in the kitchen and release her from all that endless washing up!

End the day by tucking her up on the sofa with box of chocs and a special DVD.

2009-11-30 10:43:12 UTC
Any amount of money is wonderful. As a mom and wife, you never have any money to spend on yourself and you always put everyone else first. Gifts are lovely, but you may not really like it and let's face it, nothing works at xmas like a bit of retail therapy. Is this shallow?
2010-01-04 06:54:45 UTC
A months worth of disposable income. If you earn £1500 a month, pay £500 rent, £200 for the car, £250 on bills, then I'd spend the other £550 on her.
2009-12-22 11:25:40 UTC
50 to 100
Derek O
2009-12-01 02:07:14 UTC
hi ya
2009-11-30 14:36:14 UTC
Why does it have to be about the money im married for 3yrs and i would be happy with some time alone with him its not about the cost of a present its the thought the and time that went into it, you could pick her flowers and make a card or make a cd with all the songs that mean something to the two of u and play it over a romantic dinner and then a nice bubble bath with floating candles and flower petals GOOD LUCK
2009-11-30 09:52:40 UTC
We have been married for fifty four years and still get tremendous pleasure in giving each other Christmas presents. The price doesn't really matter as long as you can afford it and don't get into debt. This year I have bought him a new saw (he chose it) and he has bought me a bracelet.(I chose this on a visit to cardiff). On Christmas Eve we buy a little surprise - not too expensive then just enjoy each others company (plus of course, the kids that call to see us ) Merry Christmas to you all.
Trur Blue
2009-11-30 07:17:37 UTC
2016-01-29 07:08:29 UTC
I in 5 Britons will spend less on presents in 2009. Some of this relates to customers wanting better deals and being wiser with money but there is concern about paying for everything.
2009-12-03 12:56:55 UTC
To me the amount my partner spends is not important, he could give me a million £ or $ but that is not for me, I would prefer if he went out and bought something, even if it only cost £1 or $1, it is the thought that counts. Money cant buy love.
2009-12-03 02:40:07 UTC
I think money would play a big factor but it would mean more to someone if an original present was given. Some people spend obscene amounts of money and one small present would be just as nice, it is just nice to receive something but for me the kids are more important their faces matter more.
2009-11-30 13:03:09 UTC
Its not really about the amount of money you spend.

its about the though you put into it

its not right if you are skint to max out credit cards just to impress a woman, a real woman would not expect you to.

my x was so skint one year that all he could give me was a home made card with a poem he had made up inside it. its not why we split but i still have the card.

if a woman expects a expensive gift just because she either expects it, or expects it because you are rich, they she is not worth a single penny.

an acceptable amount to spend is what you can afford with out skinting your self and if that is a penny then a Penny it is
2009-11-30 08:15:00 UTC
To be honest I've had really bad Christmas' ? where I've gotten really nice presents- phones concert tickets, camera etc and really nice Christmas' where I've gotten things I'll never use. For me its all about family, friends (and food). My husband works 200 miles away and I don't care if I get nothing but the pleasure of his company over the holidays and time with our daughter. Everyone has gotten so caught up with How much to spend and who to buy for its not like Christmas used to be.

If all else fails get her nice perfume or pyjamas and wrap them up so they look like they were expensive, she'll prob never know! Make sure and take the labels off tho!!!!
2009-12-23 01:25:20 UTC
An acceptable amount to spend on your wife is however much money you have at the given time minus what your gonna have to spend on the card. ;)
2009-12-15 05:15:12 UTC
It shouldn't really matter how much you spend on her, if you have actually put some thought into the gifts and they make her happy, but as a guide line i would say about £100-£200 assuming you can afford it, or you could talk to her about how much you are allocating for each other this year and if you have kids you need to put some aside for them too!
2009-12-11 13:42:29 UTC
"It depends"

My wife and I usually don't spend any money at all. Sometimes after the holidays are over, if there is something one of us really wanted the other will get it for them. But we're totally open about that.

Sometimes we do get each other small things as surprises.

That said, according to "The Five Languages of Love," some people do show that they care by buying presents, and expect to receive presents to show they're cared for. However if you and your spouse are not one of those people, you're basically wasting money.
2009-12-01 01:55:21 UTC
In my opinion, it depends on how much you can afford. It would be stupid to get in debt to get a big gift then end up arguing over money like so many couples.

I don't expect expensive gifts and neither does my husband. Our love is the best gift we can give each other!

We feel that Christmas is really for the kids anyway.
2009-11-30 09:37:59 UTC
Does it really matter what your other half spends on you at Xmas??? Of course not.... When you have someone who you love and they love you then the material things don't matter.... If my partner went into the pound shop and bought me a present i would love it no matter what... because it's from him....

It doesn't have to cost the earth to give someone you love dearly a present.... It's nice to recieve something that you don't expect rather than something you do expect and end up dissapointed....

Just having my man home at Xmas will be the best present i could recieve....

Think about those soldiers who wont be with their families this Xmas, or even the ones who wont ever be home again, and what their families would say if they got asked this rediculous question....

Think Yourselves Lucky.... I know I Will Be....
2009-11-30 09:04:16 UTC
It doesnt and should not matter!!! Its the thought that counts but if you think about it "good thoughtfulness" these days come at a price definetly more than a tenner!

Theres somethings that are much better presents when the price is actually lower.

I say go with your heart content you should know your own wife right?
2009-11-30 08:19:16 UTC
Its not the amount its the thought that counts, even if you have no money, you can write some little notes on bits of paper with loving messages or duties you will do e.g. "will massage you once a week" - costs nothing but worth so much!

Happy Christmas everyone!

2009-11-30 08:05:03 UTC
Doesn't matter the value its the time and effort that went into the gift, either the thinking about what shed like best or making it themselves, even if that is a meal when he doesn't usually cook. Care and attention are worth thousand times more than monetary gifts.

Merry Christmas all
2014-11-13 16:42:16 UTC
In the present education system students r not made to understand the basic concepts and applications of the concepts in day to day life.They r made to memorize and reproduce them in the exam..This is a very bad trend.This is happening from the school days itself.Take the entrances for engineering or medical entrance tests in different states.The material is given and the students r made to memorise the answers.If u take the JNTU B.Tech question papers even the problems r repeated.It is like a correspondence course.And the Project work is being purchased by the students.The fault lies with the faculty as well as the students.These students go abroad due to thier affluence..Money and recommendations apart from reservations r not improving the quality.
2009-12-26 06:27:53 UTC
It depends on the conditions and your personal welfare; but for a average family, roughly 30 dollars- 80 dollars. Though personally- it is not about how much you spend on them- it is what you get them. Is it worth anything? Does it have any special meaning behind it? But also the main gift is love and should be like this every day.
2009-12-14 07:43:35 UTC
if you are in debt, and your wife worries about money then obviously she would not want you to spend alot. So £50 tops, if you have no money worries, then buy her favourite perfume, Some clothes, a cd of her favourite music, and a bit of jewelery. (if she likes Jewelery). Giving Money as a present is a big No NO for me!, (its unimaginative, and gets frittered away on rubbish bills/food) Or Buy her something small and take her shopping in the sales and let her pick!.
2009-12-13 08:29:08 UTC
In my experience, the best Christmas we had was when we actually had very little to spend. I spent about £10 on her, and she spent about the same on me. Then we went out to the pictures, went ice skating and had a nice meal after that. Instead of doing all the usual things, we did unusual things.
2009-12-01 04:31:52 UTC
Your wage after tax

divided by 4

minus £1 for each argument that month

= amount to spend on wife

2009-12-01 03:00:16 UTC
2009-11-30 16:27:13 UTC
Depends how much you can afford - got children?, well christmas is all about them so set a max of £25 for eg and see what you can get?. Be realistic in these economically difficult times, if it looks like slippers for one year, the so be it, I do hope your wife agrees. I would be very happy with slippers! - years of hinting, but husband still spends too much on me, grateful as I am, I would be just as happy with a £5 thing, yes really!
2009-11-30 13:07:04 UTC
The best ever Christmas present, is hard to find, as long as it MEANS something. I'd say spend roughly £100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.10 on her at the very least! Good Luck shopping.
2009-11-30 12:24:07 UTC
hi you spend as much as you can afford as yourself and your wife will know if money is tight then she will not expect you to spend money on her you have not got as she will want kids presents done first if you have kids , plenty food , if you can afford it buy her something really Special but not underwear and not perfume as they tacky and not much thought put in to it if i had spare cash i would spend about 200 but i would try and give half on a present and the other half for sales so good luck and just remember what ever you get her she will still be with you next year even if it is to make your life hell lol
2009-11-30 09:14:32 UTC
I think you are asking the wrong question! Xmas is a time for celebration and whilst the buying of gifts may form part of the overall festivities it is not the first priority. Better to consider what would make Xmas most enjoyable for your wife. When it comes to buying presents the "value" lies in what the gift says about how you feel towards your wife...........not how much you spent on it.
2010-01-12 11:10:59 UTC
my fiancee spent about £200 on me this year, although it has gone up every year so far..... it depends on what she wants/likes....unfortunately for him, i have a collection of rare dolls that he adds to, and and unhealthy addiction to diamonds!

if you cant afford it, i suggest the best things you can give a woman without spending too much are;

1. hand picked flowers

2. jewelry from antique/flea markets (you can get amazing one off pieces at half the price)

3. learn how to make chocolate truffles and present them nicely in a small box with coloured tissue paper

4. handmade buscuits.....get creative

5. anything personalised (ie. get a cheap ring and get it engraved with her fav saying/the title of your wedding song etc)

6. handmake a voucher booklet for nights together/you cooking a meal/you doing other nice things for her (wink wink!)


but these are some of the best.....well...thats what i would like and you could do some of these paired with something from a shop.

although, im sure if she sees the effort you go to she will love anything
2009-12-14 21:21:21 UTC
Well, you should mean the "acceptable" amount of your heart. I'd say you should put your heart into the gift, which will make the gift valuable than ever. Also, you don't have to buy a luxurious, expensive gift to please your wife. A little gift with 101% of your heart will be her greatest gift in this Christmas!
Jane D
2009-12-02 13:22:14 UTC
I am a wife, and as for me I think it is more about what thought you put into the gift than the money or even the gift,

I think a gift spa package is always a great gift, even if you have ever done it before it never gets old trust me. Or naked pictures of your self done by a professional. he he he

oh now that is my wish.

I also think that you need to stop thinking about it for a minute and just relax and it will come to you, best of luck to you my friend
2009-12-01 07:53:08 UTC
If she a bic*h then get her a dildo and tell go f*ck her self, if she special choc flowers wine and fun ;-) get them something nice and romantic then do things with her like cuddle up wacth a film she likes and have a drink with her talk to them when you done all that then when you go bed ask if she want a rub down/massage, rub her hole body down with oils say how sexy her body is how she can turn you on with a mole on her bum anything make her fell like she the queen of the world she love it then at the vary end you will be left with a pissed happy horny woman who is going to love you on xmas this is cheep and fun for both of you remember xmas about spending time with your love ones not running around towns
2009-11-30 12:16:56 UTC
an acceptable amount of money or time? because I know which shows more love than the other!

my other half doesn't have to spend anything on me. just give me love and time which is something you can never get back.
2009-11-30 10:45:45 UTC
2009-11-30 10:30:48 UTC
It depends on 2 factors

1) What money do you have

2) What does she " need "

eg ... When money was tight for me two years ago, I bought the wife the " Paul Potts " Britain's Got Talent CD ... this year things are good financially and she needed a new watch so I spent over a thousand pounds on one

Good Luck
2009-11-29 20:07:13 UTC
Is money the deciding factor for the folks @ yahoo? Surely it should be the item or the thought that is important not the value. She maybe happy with a cheap DVD of a film she loves, or a good book, or maybe I want to buy diamonds, OK I have to weigh up the cost and if I can cover it, but it's not as if I think "Oh I only spent xx amount, I need to get something else"
2009-11-30 12:10:53 UTC
The amount isn't important its the thought that counts!! In the past I have spent next to nothing on a gift and had greater impact than when I have spent alot. The emotional investment counts more than money!
2009-11-30 10:03:22 UTC
why spend any money?

You and your wife are together. Together you need to do all real things: buy and maintain a house, have, provide for your kids and educate them. You need to save for a rainy day. Together you need to take holidays and save up for retirement. Spending the money on some tat is the least of your worries.
2009-11-30 08:34:57 UTC
You know your wife best and you know your financial situation best. Shouldn't this be something you discuss with her and not strangers? My husband and I regularly discuss money and what we can afford at the time. One year it was over £100, last year we had a new baby and spent £20. Maybe it's not that romantic, but it certainly stops arguments about having spent too much or too little!
2009-12-01 03:44:44 UTC
Good question indeed!

I am going to get my wife a parrot as the two of them would take the pressure off me having to answer her questions all the time. Either that or an iron as she may take the hint. If you are less well off then a tea pot would do as she would be interested in using it and make me more cups.
2009-12-01 02:58:46 UTC
Sometimes the least expensive gifts mean the most to my wife because of the gifts meaning ,thats not to say she would not be over the moon with a gift that cost me an arm and a leg,so to me it's down to the individual receiving the gift.
2009-11-30 10:10:55 UTC
It is not about money - in fact Christmas is not about giving or receiving presents. It's about the birth of Christ. Christmas is by far way too commercial and people have lost touch about the real meaning of Christmas.
Kisa Sohma
2009-11-30 09:04:29 UTC
Hmm .. it depends on what she likes/how much income you guys have ... but I would suggest around £30-50? I think thats around the average ... I would suggest getting her clothes/jewellry/shoes/perfume or maybe even shop vouchers for the january sales ... most women like those type of things and they are useful as well ... remember to ask her friends as well what she would like ... or maybe CDs? It depends on what she likes really ... you should have an idea by now right? I think proper good lancome/shiseido, etc. makeup/face-body lotions are acceptable as well? Hope this helps ... x
2014-06-14 12:16:35 UTC
It was good fun and so we kept the tradition going for many years even when we could afford to buy each other more expensive stuff in later years we always looked forward to opening the santa sack the rules stayed the same and it was always so much fun on christmas eve. Sadly I lost my husband last year and the santa sack is one memory I will never forget. Have a go it is good fun.
2009-12-22 02:29:46 UTC
One of the prezzies i've 'made' for my partner is a box with 52 cards in it, each one has written on it a reason why i love her, 52 cards.....1 for each week of the year and at the start of each week she pulls out a different card.

It cost me practically nothing but the thought that went into it will hopefully be appreciated.

I am of course buying something expensive too but it may not be as special.
2009-12-14 16:23:30 UTC
It Depends How Much Money You Have. Usually I Would say Around about $50
2009-12-14 00:11:21 UTC
I would say around £100 but your wife really doesnt mind eather way she just wants to spend a day with the family and kids :)
2009-12-11 10:22:29 UTC
An acceptable amount depends on adding up the following factors:

* how much you love her on a scale of 1 - 10.

* how pretty she is on a scale of 1 - 10

* how much you earn on a scale of 1 - 10

* how long you have been married on a scale of 1 - 30

When you add these up, multiply your answer by 2.This will give you the answer in pounds sterling. Then, take yourself down to the lingerie store and hang about until a shop assistant (about the same size as your wife ;-) helps you to choose something within your budget).

Whatever is left over you can spend on a scented products and chocolates.
2009-12-06 14:14:56 UTC
sir i donot know you but reading your question put me in mind of someone who put a valve on LOve.

I am not judging you. if you have not yet purchase that gift, will you take a moment and read these two scriptures that i have put here; they are 1 Corinthians. 13: 1-13, Ephesians 6: 20 -26, when you have done so take a time to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas, then thinks about where would you have been before your wife came into the picture? God Bless.
2009-12-04 19:03:58 UTC
In my personal opinion, price is no issue when dealing with your significant other, but truthfully, an anniversary gift is best measured by how it is received rather than how it is given. Even something handmade can be treasured simply because of the loving work you have put into it. The only preferable criteria is that you get her something you are positive she will cherish and enjoy.
2009-12-01 07:34:10 UTC
wha a load of rubbish, ur wife would pretend not to be bothered if u only spent £1, but would be gutted. I say depending on the person, buy lots of little cheap gifts that show u know them, amounting to aroun £60.

or just buy one big special gift, that will make her feel like a queen!
2009-12-01 06:34:18 UTC
Don't you think that she has cost you a fortune already this year. I mean, you have paid for the light and heat that she used let alone the food she consumed and now complaining its all on her hips and she will start a diet AFTER christmas!. Yes, like next christmas.

So as i am sure she has told you "It's the thought that counts". Save your money and tell her you thought about it.
2009-11-30 11:55:56 UTC
It should be at least equal to that of your mistress,yet much less than the odd casual affair (a card and the offer of another night out). Thing is, its not the amount that matters to the missus (unless its gold @ diamonds) Cos sentimental things can mean a lot more to her. Bless.
2009-11-30 08:33:37 UTC
well this is a multi option answer it depends on many factors ...

is the lady in question your first wife or 2nd 3rd or even 4th ??

i would suggest several presents something tasty ,something warm, something scented ,

so i would go for the following something tasty .....good boy chocolate drops available in any pet store

an animal skin coat !! ...the local builders merchants do a nice line in "donkey jackets" !!

and some flowers nice floral bouquets can be easily obtained by taking a walk through your local cemetery and the selection on offer is incredible !!

2009-12-26 12:51:05 UTC
I would only spend like 150 tops. Its just another day everybody thinks its some kind of special day. I wouldnt go all out spending money on your wife. Just my opinion tho
2009-12-01 06:19:02 UTC
I think that depends on how much spare cash you have or if your wise you would have picked the present out a long time ago and payed for it over the last few weeks.

Better still nothing give her breakfast in bed tell her you love her and fuss over her for the day and make that night a night to remember.
2009-11-30 12:40:35 UTC
surely time is the best thing to spend on a loved one at christmas?

if a partner is only interested in what you spend on them in monetery value then they are rather shallow and really not worth the effort and time spent getting such gifts. but if you are getting something, get something they want, from an egg poacher to a spa day. if they want it, it will make them happy regardless of price.
2009-11-30 09:41:14 UTC
Depends on what model of washing machine you are looking at buying. I would say don't spend a lot on one with functions that reduce the need for ironing as these are more expensive. Or as a cheaper option go for a vacuum cleaner.
2009-11-30 08:16:01 UTC
I don't think its about money at all, the gift can be as little as £1 or in the thousands its about thinking of what that person would like or giving the person some thing they will adore and cherish even though they didn't know they even wanted it. The gift can be a surprise or one they have asked for or indicated they may like..
2009-12-01 03:37:11 UTC
Why such a question at all??

No moneyed gift can replace showing affection, love ,respect and friendship!

All these are extremely valuable and priceless gifts..

(There are also lots of free gifts available, which could be flowers/greenery from the woods,fields;

baking cakes or sweets; swapped items of closing, household goods, technical goods - all from All are in extremely good or even new condition..)
2014-07-07 14:18:01 UTC
We spend lots of time dancing and have made many good friends and our social calendar is full. We also tend our gardens and even though I've never bought her flowers, she has lovely fragrant flowers, freshly cut, all through the spring, summer and autumn. We value money very little but we value love and quality time together hugely. Hope this helps.
2010-01-08 12:06:53 UTC
I don't think that there is a unacceptale amount to be honest, just think it as this, she's your wife, she deserves everything. This Christmas will never come again just make sure you make it her best.
2009-12-27 11:34:19 UTC
Creativity, imagination and relevance are more of value to the Good Lady than how much cash you spend. It's harder to think of something original to give which will bring a tear to her eye than it is to earn the cash to buy a piece of jewellry or an expensive Bottle of Smell!
2009-12-11 02:46:04 UTC
Depends on your wife and your income. If you have found the right wife then it really should not matter as long as you put some thought into it, she will generally give you some hints as to what to buy.
2009-12-01 07:14:36 UTC
Its not the amount that counts its the thought behind the present which will drive an individual as to how much he/she values their partner. However its got to be within the persons means.
2009-11-30 15:43:07 UTC
I don't know that there is an acceptable amount but you don't need spend much to show you care and most things look nice with a ribbon on it. lol
essex terry
2009-11-30 10:05:00 UTC
What a totally stupid question. I don't give a flying fig what my wife spends on me plus I know that she feels the same. Just knowing that she is there is good enough for me.

If you feel that you have to spend pounds to show your love your surname must be Beckham.
2009-11-30 09:04:37 UTC
Im not a wife but im a Fiance and i can say with all honesty that if you go to a lot of trouble to know your partner and get them something they want whether its big or small it will mean the world. Given with a kiss in bed makes it even nicer x A gift with love is a true gift indeed priceless
2009-11-30 08:42:36 UTC
I know that I'm gratefull for whatever my hubby buys me, its what you can afford and the way it is given. I'd rather have lots of cheap pressies nicely wrapped than one big expensive gift that perhaps I may never use of like.

If your wife loves you and you are thoughtful you can please her without spending a fortune, and for goodness sake dont buy her a hoover or something for the house unless she has hinted it is what she likes, take little mental notes of her likes and dislikes when you are out shopping and buy her what she would like, not what YOU would like lol.
2009-11-30 08:30:48 UTC
I thought of spending a grand on my wife's Christmas present. Did I do it? No, but it's the thought that counts...
Christopher B
2009-11-30 08:24:22 UTC
$50-100 for every $10000 of your salary.

So if I make $30000 then I'd spend between $150-300 on my wife's Christmas presents.
2009-11-28 09:02:23 UTC
I'd speak to her about it and come to an agreement on how much you spend each. That way you know that you will both spend the same amount. Also ask her for some ideas and you give her some ideas too. Both of you treating yourselves to a night out at a theatre with a meal some time after New Year can be a shared gift all the way down the line. And something to look forward to after all the festivities are over and the money has run out. Whatever you decide to do I wish you both a merry one.
2009-12-28 17:15:59 UTC
There is never enough to spend on your wife. It's the thought that counts not the money anyways.
2009-12-09 11:58:03 UTC
It depends on what you can really afford - she probably wouldn't want you to run up big debts for her! I would like it if I had a day off - wouldn't cost a thing but would be lovely if you couldn't afford much! Usually we spend the same on each other.
2009-12-04 01:47:52 UTC
Listen to her carefully......listen....listen....she will tell you....."I would love to have that" and it is THAT that you get her if its in your budget. It does not have to cost the earth. It is an expression of love and love cannot be counted with money. Love is deep within you and if you give her THAT with a smile and a kiss and a Happy Christmas I am sure she would be the happiest woman on earth. At least I would be. God bless and happy Christmas.
2009-12-01 12:35:18 UTC
its not the cost of the presant that impresses us girls .

its the thought thats gone in to it . make the effort find out what she likes and what will make her smile . listen to her more for ideas and when you get the rite gift that shows you care it won't matter to her if you spend £5 or £500 . flowers with a special message sometimes means a lot more than a diamond ring
Princess Bee
2009-12-01 05:40:45 UTC
its the thought that matters not the gift. Last year my husband couldnt afford to buy me anything for my birthday and so he brought me breakfast in bed, with tea and toast, the most wonderful home made cards from him and my son and the morning papers. I had a whole day free of responsibility and that meant more than any gift he could have bought
2009-11-30 06:40:08 UTC
My favourite ever present from my partner didn't cost him over £5 and was a stocking type present!!! But it was really thoughtful and original and that is what counts! Also, taking me away or surprising me with something means so much more than presents under the tree.

A romantic weekend away to spend time together etc means a lot more than material gifts.
2009-12-01 16:27:58 UTC
about 100$
2009-12-17 01:38:51 UTC
I once bought my wife of 40 years a cement mixer for christmas, it cost £165 from B&Q.
2009-12-02 14:17:07 UTC
It depends what they want. A necklace would be nice or some chocolates and lily, carnation and poppy flowers would be extremely pleasant to show her absolutely do care. But there is no limit to what you can spend on her. Go crazy, or settle down and just tell her love her.
2009-11-30 22:39:11 UTC
Just by the mere fact that she is your wife (for better for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part), then the debate should not be about how much but the quality and value attached to whatever you buy. Search your heart for what she truly deserves.
2009-11-30 10:55:12 UTC
Fellows,if she says something like "I don't want anything too extravagant or too expensive for Christmas" and you take her words at face value, then beware,oh you poor man. You will have nothing but ear-ache for the next however long it is to her birthday or Mothering Sunday or whatever and you WILL then have to get her something VERY expensive to make up for it. C'mon fellows, you know I'm right!.
2009-11-30 08:53:52 UTC
We don't give presents either for Christmas or Birthdays, instead our policy is on any day of the year if either of us really liked something we see and would really like to have it then we buy it providing we can afford it. this way we can celebrate Christmas and Birthdays any time of the year.
2009-11-30 07:45:22 UTC
It's the thought that counts and not how much it costs...Make sure you get a nice christmas card with words that are meaningful...much more important than an expensive present and she will appreciate it far more if she really loves she can keep it forever...
2009-11-30 07:30:41 UTC
in the past ive had a vast array of gifts and amounts spent, but if im totally honest its the smaller things that make me feel happiest and most loved......a special CD of songs important to me/us, a memory book or box of places we've gone and things we've seen together, things like that.

Dont get me wrong, I love the jewellery and underwear thing too, but in my personal opinion buying gifts on one day a year, or trying to outdo friends with amount spent are just plain wrong
2014-07-14 06:42:14 UTC
it depends on the individual's income. I think the important thing is that a lot of thought has gone into the present. If it's your wife, you should know her tastes and be able to come up with something she'll really love!
Tundra Rob
2009-12-22 14:27:23 UTC
You should discuss it before you start shopping. Make it clear how much money you have to spend, and how many people you need to buy for. Then you can set a limit on how much you can spend on each other.
2009-12-20 02:02:07 UTC
An acceptable amount is what can be comfortably afforded and given with lots of genuine love.
2009-12-17 08:41:02 UTC
2009-12-06 11:39:17 UTC
The Christmas budget for the whole family should be discussed and agreed upon before shopping begins. That prevents xmas day disappointments and embarassments and especially Jan bill regrets
Ayden C
2009-12-01 02:56:37 UTC
I used to just give the misses my card and tell her to get what she wanted, but one day she told me she wanted ME to put my time and thought into her gift/s and THAT was infinitely more important than the amount of money spent. She was so much happier when I surprised with gifts I had thought about. Women give out plenty of hints about what they wan, my advice is to LISTEN, and probably aim for things she always talks about but never buys herself. Trust me the rewards are GREAT!!!!
john jerome
2009-11-30 22:21:20 UTC
2009-11-30 11:53:47 UTC
Its not the amount you spend or the size. its the thought that has gone into choosing, making or creating the gift that matters. there are happy memories that cost very little but create the best times....
2009-11-30 10:17:08 UTC
As much as possible. Remember - the ***** know all about you - and don't think she hasn't checked your bank account over the years - why - she probably mimiks your voice on the phone to the bank and finds out every penny you have to spend. She knows about housekeeping you give her - so don't be a fool. Spend all you have for her to see on the one you really hate to love!!!
2009-11-30 09:43:26 UTC
I've been married 6 years and my husband has never bought me anything!That's not because he don't love me, It's because we can't afford it. We spend our money on the kids. Christmas should be for the children to have fun and if they are having fun, so am I!
2015-02-15 09:33:52 UTC
Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus we are told, so if all else fails you could just ask her what she would like as a present. And then buy the additional funny gift to make her laugh. Only you know your financial circumstances and whether any of this is feasible.
Lt Kije
2009-12-08 21:59:36 UTC
As little as I can get away with - probably less than £100 but I am semi retired. I prefer to spend any spare cash on summer holidays.
Gina F
2009-11-30 09:39:18 UTC
I think the best thing to do (if you have the money) is to take her shopping and let her pick something out, that way she will love it and it wont be wasted.

If you dont have alot of money dont spend anything, Im sure she will be worried if she knows you dont have the money and you go out and buy something she doesnt need.
2009-12-30 20:03:41 UTC
2009-12-09 18:47:29 UTC
The amount is not what it's about it's how much thought you put in to it, anyone can get something of value but the true gift should be something that she will treasure for always.
Cocoa Dusted Love
2009-12-07 05:00:28 UTC
My friends who are rich students have a limit of £100-150 per person that you have to spend.

I am a poor student so my limit is £50. For me that is a lot of money! But you can totally get a cool present from or, they always have ace stuff.

merry christmas! xx
Paul R
2009-12-01 07:53:13 UTC
well they say you should spend 3 months wages on an engagement ring, so maybe for christmas 2 - 3 weeks ages?
2009-12-01 04:04:22 UTC
These days, time spent together is priceless. Women love the attention and the detail. Just put some thought into it. She'll love the fact that you want to be there with her as much as she does, sharing the special moment.
Nosmo K
2009-12-01 03:51:42 UTC
Buy her a ticket to the gadget show after all the years of washing,ironing,cleaning etc shes slowing down must be something under a 1$ to help her
2009-11-30 06:47:46 UTC
Is it about the cost or the sincerity behind the gift. I would rather have something that he had put some thought into rather than paid a lot for..... one year I got a reclaimed full size candelabra, That was what I wanted to finish off the lounge I don't care how little or how much it cost, it was the thought that he put in to getting it.....
2009-12-08 07:09:19 UTC
there are three factors to take into account:

a=your own spendable income (in your own currency)

b=how much you love her (with higher numbers meaning less)

c=how materialistic she is (with higher numbers meaning more)

make it into the equation

a/bXc= money spent

so for example

a= £100

b= 10

c= 3

100/10= 10

10*3= £30

of course, if the answer exceeds a, then pick a random number less than a, but more than a/2 and stick with that.

failing that, go down the "it's the thought that counts" route, and buy her something you think she might like.
2009-12-01 16:58:35 UTC
True love is measured not by dollars and cents but by actions and sentiments. I'd rather give a penny candy I know she'd love over an expensive box of gourmet chocolates she may only just like.
2009-12-01 04:13:00 UTC
I am a wife and every year me and my hubby put a limit on how much to spend on each other, this has always worked for us, but really it should matter how much you spend, but don't be cheap because us women don't really like that no matter what we say. hope this helps
Alabo (Engr.) Blessing
2009-12-01 03:43:29 UTC
$500 is the expected and ideal amount to be spent to my wife for christmas.
2009-11-30 09:34:12 UTC
is that what christmas is all about to you?

why not sit with your wife and say instead of spending on ourselves why don't we help someone really needed at this festive time?

keep your anniversary and birthdays to splash out on each other if you care for each other that much!
2009-11-30 08:34:40 UTC
It isn't the cost of the present that counts, its the thought that goes into it and of course, the spirit and love with which it is given.

Merry Christmas
2009-11-30 08:09:17 UTC
I have to agree with the others as much as you can afford. We have so many children and grandchildren we tend to spend what we have on them and give each other token presents. Then in January we buy each other something in the sales so we get more for our money.
Nichole <3
2010-01-05 09:10:41 UTC
As much as u think she's worth is what my boyfriend always says. He also says, Christmas is the best time to apologize for all the sh!t he has caused for the past year, lol
No name.
2009-12-29 05:23:25 UTC
Well, how much does washing up liquid, an ironing board, an iron and a vacuum hoover cost?

Lol, joke. Its more about what it is than how much it is. I think the average person would expect to pay at least £20. If you buy jewelry you would pay more.
Mars Mission Australia
2009-12-10 01:28:57 UTC
Leave at least 50% for yourself.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.

13th Year Psych Student.
2009-12-03 11:04:56 UTC
2009-11-30 09:02:12 UTC
We've set a limit of £50. I don't think Christmas gifts need to be extravagant - just thoughtful.
2009-11-30 08:59:42 UTC
Your wife has probably hinted what she wants you to get her, so listen to her, most likely she'll keep making subtle hints. If you don't pick up on any, ask her best friend (she'll know the answer). Also your wife is most likely stressing about what to get you, so give her little hints as well!
2009-11-30 10:40:04 UTC
It's not about how much you spend,it's what you spend it on.You might have heard her get excited about something,it could mean having to ask her friends or family.Above all it should be personal rather than expensive for the sake of it.
2009-11-30 08:10:33 UTC
Whatever you want to. The ammount of personal thought that goes into chosing a gift is worth far more than the cost of the item.
2009-11-30 06:31:49 UTC
As much as you can afford obviously however for me I try spending on the the things I know she will truly be happy with, personal items not household like some people do. Putting up with me all year and doing the things a wife does spoiling her at Christmas must be worthwhile. This year it will be around £800 as I have bought something she wants but never tells me. Merry Christmas to all.
2009-12-13 14:02:18 UTC
2009-12-13 07:39:10 UTC
I don't think it's about how much you spend but what it is you get her. If you know that there's something she really would like, Weather it be jewellery or tickets to a show, get it. Make sure you get something that she would like but don't expect to have to go out of your way to spend a huge ammount of money.
2009-12-09 15:54:41 UTC
welll it depends if you make ok money. so if you make bad 50-100 ok 100-150 good 200-300. Well if you love your wife you should make the best christmas Ever. :)
2009-11-30 06:53:08 UTC
Agree an amount with her (what you will spend on each other) then spend a little bit more!
2009-12-23 08:40:38 UTC
How much she means to you.

She means : Alot-600 a little-200 nothing-50 (Good budget)

She means : Alot-200 a little-80 nothing-15 and lower (okay budget)

She means : Alot-50 a little-20 nothing-10 and lower (bad budget)

2009-12-18 04:41:47 UTC
Surely you just buy something she would like and if you don't have much money then I am sure she would understand anyway. It's not about how much you spend, just enjoy the time together and get some mistletoe.
2009-12-15 08:20:33 UTC
i dont think it matters if you spend 1 or 1000 quid on her, if your gift is truly from the heart she will love it :D

one year i got a lump of coal from my bf.. i know it sounds silly but a few weeks before i had told him about all the threats my dad had made that if i was naughty id get a lump of coal for christmas :D the fact that he really thought about it made me so happy
2009-12-14 11:31:51 UTC
It is the thought that counts! If you don't have a lot of money to spend, don't spend. Make a cheque/check of things like a bath.....empty the dishwasher.....put the washing away....costs nothing but your time and will be very much appreciated because you actually took the time to think!
2009-12-10 09:28:49 UTC
I think Christmas gifts should be more about "Will she love it?" rather than how much did i spend.

Spending within your income is obviously a condieration also but as long as your wife is happy with her gift i think that is all that matters.

Merry Christmas
sian b
2009-12-01 03:22:53 UTC
It's not abt the cost at all - some of my nicest presents ever have been cds that ppl have put together for me or nice photographs put into a nice frame which wouldn't have cost a lot at all but know they've put effort into them.
Fancy M
2009-11-30 16:34:04 UTC
Well personally I rather something from the heart, not just a price range. Try to find out what she would really like within reason and show her you listen. Good luck.
jackie w
2009-11-30 13:16:43 UTC
Its about who the present is actually for he may love her she may be a shelfish git so then its not acceptable to her or he might not love her but she might love him hence stolen flowers would be acceptable. Its more about being true to yourself if your presents and efforts are not acceptable time to moive on im affraid.

How much is my hubby spending on me this year? nowt he does not have money he gives it to me cus im a selfish git lol KIDDING .
2009-11-30 11:36:36 UTC
well i think £30 is a reasonable amount to spend on a new iron
2009-11-30 11:07:08 UTC
Asked My wife what she wanted for Xmas, she said a Divorce!!! Told her i was not wanting to spend that much
2009-11-30 09:31:21 UTC
It should not be a question of how much you spend but a gesture of what she means to you. As many have already answered its more about how much you truly know her and understand her. Effort, effort effort. Put a little thought into it.
2009-11-30 08:41:33 UTC
I think you should think about what your buying first, do not buy bits and pieces she will never really use. time you buy birthday and christmas gifts , go out for dinner it all tots up.

I am taking my wife to Paris for her christmas / Birthday present 2 birds with one stone.

She will be happy and will remember it.
2009-11-30 07:31:19 UTC
I gave my husband my Christmas present wish list: a new sports car, diamonds, a hot tub, designer handbag, money, lots of money, more money but I think I'm getting a new deep freeze. He's such a romantic :-)
2009-12-01 14:17:18 UTC
What you can afford without getting in to debt..

and make sure its some thing she has always wanted and personnal...

then the price really dosen't matter its the thought..

Merry Christmas
2014-06-09 03:14:44 UTC
Our System is academically biased and does not pay much attention to the other activities that are essential for over-all development of an individual....which creates an under-confident

2009-12-30 05:59:10 UTC
It all depends on you, You can choose to spend $5 dollars more or you can get creative and spend $6 dollars more :)
2009-12-13 22:34:57 UTC
It depends on how much she's used to getting each year. If I was married, I wouldn't spend more than 3 hundred USD.
2009-12-09 06:45:38 UTC
Whatever you can afford or have agreed to spend on eachother. Personally i couldn't care less what my partner gets me, i just want us both to be happy and healthy. He could make me breakfast in bed and that would suffice. obviously he would have to wear nothing but a smile though :)
2009-12-01 07:49:25 UTC
You pay whatever it costs as you already know what she wants. Subconsciously that is!

She will have mentioned it ages ago and it is now up to you, as a bloke, to remember what it was she said all those months ago.

Believe me, she will remember and I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if you don't get it for her.

As for me, it just cost me over £400 today. But she's worth it.
2009-12-01 03:40:09 UTC
Depends on if you're getting something small, like an Iron (about £20), or large like a washing machine (about £300).
Linda W
2009-11-30 22:36:11 UTC
If you want to give her vouchers from any shop you can get them for less than face value, and then she can choose her own gift. See, for example, for discounted M&S vouchers but you can then change the words 'marks spencer' in the search to any other store she likes.

The point is, by paying less than face value you appear to be giving a gift worth more than you actually paid for it.
2009-11-30 13:00:41 UTC
time is the greatest gift of Mr Big is making me a wardrobe so i can get organised,just like Carrie. For my birthday he wrote and sang me a song.these are the best presents,not an exchange of money!
2009-12-29 07:37:29 UTC
Seeing as no one's giving a number- £200
2009-12-16 10:28:02 UTC
I don't think it's so much about the cost, it's more about what they want, I chose my present off my hubby, it's a copy of Pandora's bracelet, cost 15 pounds, he could have bought me something worth far more in money, but not what I wanted
2009-12-07 05:12:20 UTC
Its not the cost of the gift, it depends of the thought that goes into it. It needs to surprises her.

Think hard about what type of person she is, what pleases her. My favourite gift was an inexpensive cross and chain. My husband is not religious, but he knows I am. I was pleased that he actually thought about what I might like rather than what he liked.
2009-11-30 11:32:43 UTC
Don't think you get a bigger discount if you buy one at this time of year, wait for the January sales.

I thought a wife was for life not just for xmas anyway...

Sorry couldn't resist :)
2009-11-30 10:56:04 UTC
how much does breakfast in bed,cooking christmas lunch and a big sloppy kiss and hugs all night when everybody's gone home cost?....i'd be over the moon with that and nothing else!!....not that i've got much chance of the breakfast in bed bit so i'll settle for the rest!!
2009-11-30 07:50:58 UTC
well take it from a wife point of view i am price less so no money can buy me but i really like the cooker cleaned and the toilet set down and yes the washing up done
2009-12-04 21:01:05 UTC
Ok lets be real. nice present = expensive. no one wants something shitty. If u cant get something good at least make t the best gift u give out this christmas!!! Enjoy your holidays
2009-12-02 03:25:05 UTC
What you spend on your wife is totally dependent upon your income, your gifting the gift. It is based on what you afford and choose to spend on her.
2009-11-30 16:10:10 UTC
surprise her but don't buy her a new vacuum cleaner or a flat iron.

maybe a bracelet with her name inscribed in it.a necklace? or maybe yet,let your children help...they may have a good idea what their mum might like but tell the kids not to tell that you will give something special for her on christmas.let the kids get the credit...
2009-11-30 13:51:36 UTC
I'm just starting a relationship with a woman and we've only known each other a couple of weeks, but she's already hinting that she wants at least a £50 shopping spree...
2009-11-30 09:24:17 UTC
I have given my wife a baby for christmas, what more can I give her?
2009-12-13 08:23:53 UTC
depending on your income and how long youve been together. the longer youve been together the less you should need to spend. but nothing under $25, unless you are in a really tight struggle with money.
2010-01-03 01:36:27 UTC
Actually it should be very little because she is a house servant to the man of the house. if you start giving house servants gifts pretty soon they'll want to take over and you'll soon be the house servant. So lets keep house servants in their place and not be thinking about spoiling them just because it's the holidays.
2009-12-14 10:43:44 UTC
Depends on you income and how much utility you reserve from give your wife the gift. You compare the utility you reserve from giving your wife the gift and the long run utility of you wife being happy to the lost income+ the utility you reserve from the next best choose (the next best choose MAY be not to gift you wife any gift at all but then the disutility will happen in both the long run and short run). However at a certain level your wife will get mad. This presents with disutility. It can happen at both ends of the spectrum. To expensive and you wife is mad that you spent all of you disposable income. To low and your wife is mad that you spent to little of your disposable income. Therefore you need to factor in that level and the probability that this will happen at the given price of the gift. (price and income in this model is exogenous). And minus it from the utility you reserve from giving your wife the gift.


It has been pointed out that my underline assumption with this model is wrong (like all economics models). That assumption is that greater price of the gift does not necessarily means an increase in utility. This is something that I agree with. So I will have to adjust my formula to include something she likes and knew that you were thinking of her ie something that she gains utility from. But for this we are going to change instead of using total utility gained we are going to use utility divided by price or utility per dollar. The formula will then be


Where Up is personal utility gained for giving the gift Uw is wife's utility and P is price. % is probability of dis utility at givening price of good and Eu is expected Dis utility. Uo is utility of next best choose.

To factor in income I=F(P). Where is I is disposable income (F() is stander mathematical notation meaning that Price is dependent on Income). Combing the 2 equations you get


Since Up and Uw add together is family Utility (Uf). We can then us the formula


That formula would then equal the utility of the gift in question per unite of Income. If the equation come out positive then it is a good gift for its price. If the equation come out negative it is not.

In conclusion the amount money you should spend on you wife is dependent on both expecting utility of the family unite, probability of dis utility and income.

This formula will work for any person you choose to get a gift for. The underline assumption will not change.
2009-12-09 07:17:33 UTC
This is different.. ur wife wont want a better gift than ur true love.. Merry christmas..
2009-12-08 22:53:11 UTC
An acceptable? The limit is the sky, if not the universe
2009-12-05 22:47:26 UTC
$ 200-300
2009-12-03 01:38:52 UTC
Well that depends on what you want to get her for christmas and doesnt matter how much you love her the main thing is that, it is the thought that counts...! :)
2009-12-01 11:39:58 UTC
It depends on how much you spend on each other every year. My dad spend about 400-500$ on my mom.
2009-12-01 07:10:58 UTC
Spend £1 more than she spends on you: happiness. Spend £1 less: misery!
paul c
2009-12-01 02:44:54 UTC
Find out what she really wants and if you can afford it and judge if she will call you a clot for spending too much then buy it. You have to know your partner.
2009-11-30 10:26:44 UTC
Around £60 - £80, depending on how much you earn and how much you care. But remember its the thought that counts.
2009-11-30 08:06:35 UTC
Depends if they are going to be your wife after christmas
2009-11-30 07:14:24 UTC
We usually spend a token amout on something nice for one another. Then we pay for flights/hotel for a holiday for each other.

Essentially we're paying for ourselves but we figure its better than getting a gift that you dont really want (e.g. something you wouldnt normally buy for yourself)

Getting a divx player for the living room, woo hoo! :)
2009-12-23 04:22:52 UTC
i'm seriously hoping that you don't spend anything on my wife...

boom boom

but if you're talking about your wife make it something personal and small - not funny. something serious - and avoid underwear - and nothing edible.

merry christmas!
2009-12-14 08:50:26 UTC
It's not really about price more how how much you care for her and you need to show that through your present (:

She's your wife so if you're gonna talk price it shouldnt be too cheap xD
2009-12-06 02:48:16 UTC
Though its depends on the income the love scale decide the amount
2009-12-05 14:36:44 UTC
depens on how much money u have or are willing 2 spend normally a husband should spnd £20-£30 or more. :P
2009-12-02 01:40:22 UTC
Its the thought that counts in the end, better getting a cheap thoughtful present than an expensive piece of crap that no one wants
2009-11-30 08:05:35 UTC
I think its not about how much you pay for gift. You can win your wife's heart even when you present a small gift with alot of love.
2009-12-07 04:46:11 UTC
2009-12-16 03:29:14 UTC
Because we do not have any money to spare my husband and I decide between us what we need so we buy one present that is for both of us. This year we are buying towels. Maybe not very exciting but at least it is practical.
2009-12-03 17:39:14 UTC
Whatever your income is. it can be anywhere from £20- £100 in my opinion. it depends on how much u love ur wife :P lol
2009-11-30 11:10:37 UTC
She gets nothing. She should think herself lucky that she is allowed to cook the Christmas dinner.
anne graham
2009-11-30 07:31:57 UTC
most of us have too much anyway so why not send a nice amount to your favourite charity. If you must buy something just buy a nice bunch of flowers and this applies to the girls too
Big Dog D
2009-11-27 20:22:54 UTC
it isnt the quantity but the quality. You could get a fancy diamond ring and her not like the style you picked, or you can give her a night out on the town, that would most likely mean more than the ring. It is the thought that counts and the consideration behind it.
2014-11-17 17:14:54 UTC
w much did he/she pay", C'mon, people!

The importance is to know your partner and get him/her what she likes. You should be spending time in getting to know your partne's likes instead of spendingmoney.

Plus, let's be spend lots of money on things we don't even use or like just to comply with the compromise, and what does she do? gets dissapointed inside and still says: Oh, Thank you! I love it!! .........................and on his part, he gets a stupid swe
2009-12-23 11:49:49 UTC
there is no precise figure, my wife and I to spend all and not just for Christmas
2009-12-08 16:57:59 UTC
If you spend hardly anything, but you buy something which shows that you have been listening to her and understand her, that will be worth more than any washing machine/ironing board/cooker/deep fat frier
2009-12-01 07:06:59 UTC
Whatever you can afford! Its not about the amount but the thought behind the gift..
2009-11-30 18:30:34 UTC
amanda a
2009-11-30 11:00:34 UTC
last year my husband got me a new hair dryer because i needed 1 it cost £5 and its great he got me some Perfume cost £50 and its horrible so its not the price its the gift it self and the through
2009-11-30 10:50:02 UTC
You have to remember that it is a present so buy something that she wants, not that she needs - buy something that shows you listen & get something that she has said she wants but perhaps can't justify buying herself as it is an indulgence & she's putting her day to day money towards more practical stuff
2009-11-30 09:28:30 UTC
It is totally down to the quality of the present and not the price. if you love someone how much isn't the issue its the thought and originality that counts.
2009-11-30 08:55:20 UTC
You don't really need to spend a lot these days as new Irons and Toasters are not that expensive
2009-11-30 08:21:59 UTC
Nobody told me you had to buy your wife something for christmas!
2009-11-30 08:12:22 UTC
The best gift i ever got was i picture of my daughter in a frame,it was cheap but the person had thought alot about it and it ment alot
2009-11-30 08:07:51 UTC
Whatever the cost don't get anything practical, unless she has specifically asked for it. One Xmas, I got a knife block, nest of tables and a chopping board from my ex-boyfriend. Try
2009-11-30 07:55:09 UTC
well me and my wife have decided to spend the same amount on each other
2009-11-30 06:32:57 UTC
I do believe it is the thought that counts not the amount of money. I would prefer a good dvd which I could watch over and over again.
Love M
2009-11-30 14:28:26 UTC
I would love to have something romantic which I've never had from my husband.....I wish I could have.

It's not only the price, but get something £100 to £200 ? would be great. Good luck.
2009-12-21 09:12:12 UTC
well if its a dimond ring about 4000 she will love it but for me 100 or 50 but if u truly love her figure out something that she loves if its not a ring keep it under 300 good luck
2009-12-11 08:33:27 UTC
£30-40 is about right. But it is all dependent upon what sort of things she is looking for; after we are dealing with a highly evolved and complex creature here....

2009-12-01 08:29:25 UTC
it all depends on the meaning behind the gift i bought my wife a braclet with our childrens names on it and it cost £175 and gold but it could have been made of iron for all she cared she would have loved it anyway
Manc lad
2009-12-01 04:35:37 UTC
However much it costs, buy something that will avoid arguments or cause any bitterness over the Winter period.

Maybe £50-80 on something she would find practical and beautiful. eg. hair straightners.
2009-12-01 03:35:08 UTC
It really is the thought that counts. The thought is more important than the amount.
James H
2009-11-30 13:54:31 UTC
Why don't you make her something? A card, a tape, a little film. She'll never forget it and it takes a lot more effort than wielding your credit card in a shop.
2009-11-30 07:24:27 UTC
I'm not sure what he will spend on me but I'll be spending about £100, we are in a reccesion after all.
2009-11-30 07:00:25 UTC
There should be no limit, love has no monetary value, so you spend what you think you should, sometimes it is the smallest item which gives the greatest joy.
2009-12-22 17:15:38 UTC
See what she's given you, then give her roughly what it's worth in cash

True Christmas spirit
2009-12-12 09:34:02 UTC
Acceptable... hmm.. I think the most u can spend. But dont waste money!
2009-12-10 02:28:49 UTC
Probs about 60%-80% of your weekly/monthly income
2009-12-08 08:16:49 UTC
In all honesty? WHATEVER YOU CAN TRULY AFFORD! It really isn't about how much you spend,its her realising you went out of your way to get her someyhing to make her happy despite your little or abundant resources.
2009-12-07 16:00:55 UTC
A cheap crap gift is worth more than the Koh-i-Noor diamond if he knows it's something you really want! Thoughtfulness is the most precious thing you can give your wife.
Sxy Maz '94
2009-12-01 08:17:34 UTC
I think you should spend a lot of money on your wife because it shows that you love her and are grateful that you have her around you!!!!!!!!
2009-12-01 07:00:43 UTC
Money is not the question at the end of the day its the thought that counts
2009-12-01 03:44:02 UTC
Love,Flowers Pamper gift, get to know your partner and a good Humping with some sexy underwear lol
2009-11-30 11:00:05 UTC
it used to be - usually the last day of shopping before Xmas,

wrong colour,

wrong size,

wrong design.

wrong gift?......

now its a couple of weeks before Xmas, take her window shopping check her likes and dislikes and make sure if you buy clothing - its the right size...


too sexy - she say you bought it for yourself.

too big - she will never forgive you.

don't buy apple catchers knickers you will never get her in to bed.

after all we all need to keep warm and burn of that excess food we eat over Xmas....

tell her it is the best exercise to burn of all the calories she over indulged in.

a box of chocolates a little amount of alcohol and a romantic DVD helps..................

quality time alone...........
George H
2009-11-30 08:01:21 UTC
If you have to ask then thats real sad!!!!!!!!!!!

its not the value of the gift its the thought and love behind it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

although if my husband bought me nothing then he would be in real trouble!

I would rather he spent thoughfully than spent a large amount of money!!
2009-11-30 07:59:11 UTC
Your love and devotion should be enough. She should look to transcend material wealth and bask in the glory that is you love. And in return she could get you a PS3
Kendra Harding
2009-11-29 04:22:26 UTC
It depends how much you earn - If you clean toilets then anything is apreciated but if your Richard Brandson or something then go crazy. I think about 100 pound if you're on average income is about the limit.

2010-01-08 08:32:06 UTC
2009-12-11 18:10:05 UTC
it totally depends on how much you make

what you feel is right

her ideas on what she wants, if she wants bigger stuff, i would say a larger amount

if she wants smaller stuff, than a smaller amount

You could ask her how much she thinks is acceptable for you two to spend
2009-12-10 07:09:48 UTC
depends on your income and situation...

this year me and my hubby have agreed to not get each other anything and just the kids..

We have got each other, thats all that matters.

Not a good year for usthis yr in terms of money.

But hey... i have friends who spend 500 quid on their Mrs... Who are on an average 25k a yr income.
2009-12-01 03:47:41 UTC
About £10.99. That should cover just about anything I think. Unless you want to spend more and then you could go up to, well, about £23.00. Then stop. You don't want to be taken advantage of.
johnpaul t
2009-11-30 11:06:50 UTC
whatevers on sale in the pound shop you may get a rew things for a £5
2009-11-30 08:00:53 UTC
If she is still your love lady, amount doesnt matter! But if thats not the case, I dont know the anwer then!
Darrin G
2010-01-12 05:39:52 UTC
It depends on your income and bills. I believe, if you can afford it, $200 minimum, but not more than $500.
2009-12-23 19:28:59 UTC
Don't get her anything, if you two concern yourselves with something as trivial as the cost of a gift you probably won't be together much longer anyways.
2009-12-01 03:04:12 UTC
I spend about £100 but its all about what you can afford.
arnold l
2009-11-30 14:01:16 UTC
I've no idea what my better half would like for Christmas,SO I gave her £300 to buy anything she liked, THEN she said "You still have to get me a surprise pressy" !!! Flowers? because I never never buy flowers-They die! that's my excuse..
2009-11-30 08:56:40 UTC
Well I have spent £400 on my wife this year
2009-11-30 08:22:43 UTC
Just give her enough money for Petrol, so she can pick you up from the Pub once you are suitably refreshed on Xmas eve.
2009-11-30 06:52:47 UTC
I think you should get a main gift for about 100 pounds then a few little gifts up to 50 pounds ... total 150.00 ... but if you can not afford that much then spend what you can afford ...
The Siren
2010-01-01 13:42:52 UTC
Forget that what you want to do is go out looking around the shops and find somthing that you think she would like. it's the thought that counts!

and get her a nice card!

2009-12-31 20:47:21 UTC
Whatever she wants no matter the cost. To me she is priceless! No better person on this earth as far as I'm concerned. She is my best friend and soul mate as well as lover. She is one of the beautiful people of this earth and I'm not just talking about looks although she is that as well.
2009-12-31 20:03:52 UTC
depends on how much money your making, and how much it cost to make her happy
Daniel D
2009-12-31 12:46:15 UTC
95 percent of your yearly income. The other 5 is for you :)
jason t
2009-12-04 07:18:06 UTC
£000000000000000000000000000000000000 i am not religious i only celebrate birthdays which is more important.Its too much hyped up,and is for kids only anyway.My mrs is getting £15 an hour to work on xmas day cool eh.
2009-11-30 08:02:06 UTC
The best things in life are free and mostly happen at night
2009-11-30 07:20:16 UTC
I'd say cover your options by getting more presents but not spending too much but this depends on your circumstances. Best present is for you to cook Christmas Dinner ;-)
Chelsea :]
2009-12-31 20:02:02 UTC
My father spent $6,000 on pearls for my mother.
2009-12-31 13:50:58 UTC
make it an amount she can pay back
2009-12-05 04:48:21 UTC
Your wife will love anything you give her as long as it's for her and NOT the house.
kirsty h
2009-11-30 08:12:55 UTC
Its the thought that counts, if she expects an expensive present she probebly a stuck up cow!
2010-01-05 13:08:12 UTC
I think it would be an amount that would not put you into debt, nor be wasteful, but would prove you have been listening to her and care about her.
2009-12-30 18:14:38 UTC
50-100 bucks
2009-12-07 05:19:04 UTC
its not how much really, its the thought put into the gift. i mean, if my partner bought me my favourite chocolates, or even a pair of boots he knew i longed for, or even the right words in a thoughtfully chosen xmas card, its not about price, its about thought. i mean, how much would a rolex watch mean if he treated you badly again by boxing day, once the family had left
2009-12-04 18:36:08 UTC
1 cent
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ► Indy ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2009-12-03 18:32:22 UTC
Anywhere from 0-25 cents...
2009-12-01 05:38:55 UTC
It is not the size or value of a gift it is the loving thought it is given with.
2009-12-01 02:56:02 UTC
It shouldnt matter unless your very shallow.I have a lovely husband,3 great boys and a gorgeous grandaughter.Them all loving me is priceless!
2009-11-30 08:43:42 UTC
Don't even think of the cost...go for the WOW factor, if she throws herself in ur arms and rips your clothes from your body, then you have paid enough...IF...however she simply pulls a face...then boys..YOU ARE IN DEEP ****...xxxx
2009-11-30 08:39:00 UTC
no amount of money can impress a woman as long is something which she likes and more expensive than a friend's.
Charlotte M
2009-11-28 18:50:17 UTC
Its not necessarily about what you spend, its how much thought you put into the present :)

Although try and arrange a spending limit between the both of you - so that one person doesn't spend much more than the other.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. xx
2009-12-08 07:29:03 UTC
Half the amount of what you spend on your mistress.
2009-12-01 02:48:10 UTC
It is the amount of love and time spent together that matters. Isn't it?
Will C
2009-11-30 11:42:43 UTC
0-5 years of marriage - 5% of your monthly income

6-10 years of marriage - 8% of your monthly income

11-20 years of marriage - 10% of your monthly income

>20 years of marriage - 15% of your monthly income

Remember, Old is Gold.
the frag
2009-11-30 11:28:02 UTC
5 pounds
2009-11-30 08:04:07 UTC
Her weight in pounds + 5.
2009-11-30 08:02:31 UTC
Depends which shop you go to for the ironing board....:)

Merry Christmas
2010-01-11 13:05:33 UTC
Why is it always the price? its not like shes going to break-up with you for not getting her the 200 $ necklace instead of the 100 $ one. isn't it the thought that counts?
2009-12-27 14:12:13 UTC
there shouldnt be a certain amount... the gift should come from the heart, regardless of the price
2009-12-17 07:59:09 UTC
maybe jewelry maybe a gold watch £200-£2000 depends how much you can spend
Mary R
2009-12-03 07:34:01 UTC
The most you can afford. She's your wife, the most important person in your life!
2009-12-01 07:42:06 UTC
When you get in to trouble for spending to much - Thats about right.

Anything less and you'll get - "Is that all I'm worth!" Probably not enough!!

LoL :-)
2009-12-01 07:14:31 UTC
everyone says its not the price that counts....... try giving your wife a plastic ring from pound land....... wouldn't be suprised is they file for divorce, personally i dunno the right amount no being married but for gf's under a year or 2 no more than 40-60 quid.
2009-12-01 03:50:57 UTC
Invest in a new one ... they never last the distance and you can get some real bargains in the January sales.
2009-12-01 01:54:45 UTC
christmas or no christmas the best give you can give your wife is LOVE,shower her with your unconditional love that will be more than enough for her.
2009-11-30 22:20:16 UTC
it doesn't matter what you spend

i take notes as to what she wants you know, take the HINT easy that way she gets what she wants

i always through in the little funny gift as well
2009-11-30 20:46:10 UTC
I know money is tight in my household, so I would be happy with a romantic gesture, but I know that's not going to happen!! Oh well!
2009-11-30 16:58:56 UTC
nothing she is your wife so she has had an easy year not ask what your wife wants but what your wife can buy you ;)

women are fickle whatever u buy she will moan and winge anyway
2009-11-30 08:54:15 UTC
First of all it is not clear whether first wife or second wife .

It also depends on the time , mood and what is I am getting in response

2009-11-30 07:55:50 UTC
It's not the cost of the present that matters, it's the thought that went into it that gives her the buzz. Frankly if all she cares about is how much it cost, you have to get rid.
2009-11-30 07:51:59 UTC
A holiday :) That's what I would like. Even if it's a weekend in Paris after xmas ...time spent together is more important than a useless gift.
2009-11-30 07:02:59 UTC
It is not how much you spend but the thought and sentiment behind the gift.
2009-12-16 02:37:34 UTC
depends on your income, but £100-£400 sounds about right
x S x
2009-12-01 18:35:06 UTC
the money doesn't matter it is the thought that counts, well it should do and if it doesn't then your wife either doesn't love you or is very selfish.

hope this helps good luck :)
2009-12-01 02:56:40 UTC
I don't care how much it costs I beleive its the thought that counts everytime I will be happy with anything
2009-11-30 22:22:13 UTC
...depending on your mutual togetherness, it might worth a card and your neaness to her, love doesn't cost money! you don't have to buy your wife's love...u can spend even a million...
2009-11-30 10:45:43 UTC
A home-made gift is always the best.. It may cost time and effort but it will be much more appreciated and will show how much you care. Put some thought into it though.
2009-11-30 10:54:04 UTC
the best present my husband bought me was a picture frame with a photo of me and him and the kids in its really the thought that counts
2009-11-30 08:52:19 UTC
Its the thought and effort that goes into it and not the money spent.

Cost is not important.
2009-12-15 04:49:39 UTC
i think you can spend what you have with you (i.e) its upto your limit if you are a government means you get the festival bonus for your expense ......have a wonderful christmas
2009-12-06 07:43:28 UTC
Depends what you want to buy her?



kitchen Appliances

ETC each thing costs different amount.
2009-12-01 04:15:13 UTC
there is no acceptable amount, neither is there a set amount. its all depends in the spirit and what lies beneath your heart.
2009-11-30 14:13:22 UTC
I dont get a present from the gimps father, my husband......doesnt believe in Christmas apparently.....doesnt matter that i do......ho hum......hope you lot have better luck ladies!
2009-11-30 11:19:16 UTC
It doesnt matter, if you dont get each other anything as long as your together xmas day.

and can watch the kids opening everything they wanted
2009-11-30 11:08:39 UTC
2009-11-30 09:37:08 UTC
the final nail in the coffin with my ex, was when at christmas he took his mum shopping for jewellery and bought me a fluffy dressing gown and slippers, despite the fact i have cupboards full of dressing gowns that i don't wear :(
2009-11-30 08:16:12 UTC
a cheque made out to me for 10,000 kisses is the most romantic Ive ever had! It didn't cost much but have had fun cashing it!!! from Winstons wife.xx
2009-11-30 07:41:03 UTC
Xmas is not about presents its about spending time with loved ones and embracing those special moments together, because those will be the memories that we will always cherish.
2009-11-30 07:20:08 UTC
It's not about cost but attention. Show her you have been listening and buy her something she wouldn't necessarily buy for herself. By that I mean something a little indulgent (ipod, shoes, perfume) that would be useful and not something she needs (toaster, iron etc...)

I would be quite happy if my partner gave me a voucher for a promise of a night out just the two of us.
Andrew Osbaldeston
2009-11-30 06:46:09 UTC
it doesn't matter how much you spend on the other half just as long as you remember to get a gift - if the other half truly loves you it shouldn't matter how much you spend and it shouldn't bother them - its the thought that counts.
2010-01-13 03:41:50 UTC
minimum 100$
2010-01-05 12:52:30 UTC is perfectly acceptable as long as you both are in agreement.... adults you get whatever you need when you need it at a size that fits yourself......

if you choose to exchange gifts, it's the gift itself and the thought behind it, not the amount spent that counts.....
2009-12-26 11:55:57 UTC
thats an easy one tell her behind every good man is the only one woman next to him thats my fair lady then simply say i offer you the moon and stars beyond then let her shop till she drops
2009-12-04 18:51:25 UTC
As much as you want. This may be monetary and through thoughtful acts.

2009-12-01 03:15:03 UTC
150 pounds
2009-11-30 11:18:28 UTC
am married and if my husband bought me something for 5 pounds i would be happy as long as he thought about it and i really wanted it it is not the cost it is the thought that counts
2009-11-30 08:39:38 UTC
10-20% of your average monthly income may be an individual benchmark.
2010-01-05 22:07:36 UTC
my dad spent like $400 on my mom this christmas!
Mitch Platt
2009-12-10 08:12:42 UTC
It completely depends on your budget. Whatever makes you feel comfortable with should make it. Gifts are not about budget but about feelings.
2009-11-30 09:55:09 UTC
Get a grip! Its not about money, its the thought that counts! And if they think of the money then they are not worth it!
2009-11-30 09:11:28 UTC
y should it be only for wife...y can't it be husband after all wife and husband,men and women they all have the equal rights on every society..
2009-11-30 08:42:25 UTC
Do you like her??

Haha - if so you must spend at least £200

If you really like her then at least £300!!

Don't be a tight wad.
2009-11-30 08:37:17 UTC
i have spent just over £1500 this year on my girlfriend, but i doesnt matter what you spend its the thought that counts.
2010-01-04 04:04:12 UTC
Any amount can be acceptable.
2009-12-30 15:24:07 UTC
christmas was 6 days ago u f*cking numpty
2009-12-27 05:10:55 UTC
Just a little more than you spend on your girlfriend,because if she finds out, you can say" ok i admit it but i spent more on you because i love you better" !
2009-12-01 08:34:02 UTC
oh at least £5000 on a cheap year come on guys we don't like cheap skates!!!!!!! All you guys that spend less than that, are not worth it.
2009-11-29 12:33:49 UTC
2010-01-13 10:52:41 UTC
there is no set amount that u have to spend on ur signigicant other. whatever your comfortable spending is what u should spend.
2010-01-03 13:46:33 UTC
1/2 weeks pay
2009-12-25 18:29:47 UTC
It varies upon what you an afford dont think there is an minimum requirement.
2009-12-17 03:03:40 UTC
I normally figure out what she'd like and then think about whether we can afford it. If you can't afford it don't buy it. If you can afford it and it will make her happy then go for it.
2009-12-14 08:42:49 UTC
me and my dad recently went christmas shopping for my mom, and have spent about £150.00 on her so far, My family isnt very rich (we are working class) and i think it totally depends on your income, hope that helped. :D X
Col c
2009-11-30 10:47:56 UTC
hard to say really, best thing to remember is dont get into debt just to please her, remember theres a recession on lol, if she loves you then she,ll understand.

I dont usually spend anymore than £200 cause she knows shes got me as well.
2009-12-09 09:59:13 UTC
Well if you love her more than the world then give her what you can, for she deserves more than money. She is bearing your children, it's the least you can do =]]] ha
2009-12-01 07:36:17 UTC
Absolutely nothing she does not deserve it. I mean she has the benefit of me all year round so what more could she possibly want!!!!
G money
2009-11-30 09:41:27 UTC
As much as it takes to get head on christmas morning :)
2010-01-02 16:48:50 UTC
At least $100 no matter how much money you make!
2009-12-16 06:22:48 UTC
the price of a pair of Marigold gloves
2009-12-15 08:07:33 UTC
900 bankcok dollars
2009-12-03 15:15:45 UTC
you choose how much you like to spend and how much you got to spend on each other
Michelle - Jacob's Mummy
2009-12-01 03:39:52 UTC
That depends on your income, many do not have a job at all at the moment :)
Flash Harry
2009-12-01 03:11:26 UTC
As much as you can afford, but put a lot of thought, time and effort into it.
2009-12-01 02:39:24 UTC
my wife wants a hundred presents for a hundred pounds each! yeah right, dream on!
2009-11-30 22:32:20 UTC
Its not the money you spend, its the time you spend spending it.
2009-11-30 22:17:13 UTC
you cant put an amount down,its the thought that counts
2009-11-30 12:11:32 UTC
We don't buy each other presents as such, we just buy the things we need as we go along. We are happy together just as we are, thank you.
messi jessi
2009-11-30 09:14:04 UTC
Give her something that will make her think of you every time she uses it or looks at it! the money's not important! as long as it shows that you care!
2009-11-30 08:02:01 UTC
well all depends this year its 250.00 pds , but its special present ,some years lot less ,like the pound shop, but really i think what you would like and think the special lady deserves
2009-11-30 07:56:51 UTC
everthing you have got,although if you have got a waste of space husband like mine yoo will get a wrapped up lindt chocolate raindeer.
Santa C
2009-11-30 06:48:18 UTC
Any amount they can afford. Visit for really really cheap designer and branded perfumes.
2009-11-29 08:23:02 UTC
go to a 1 pound shop then you can decide how much you should spend
2009-12-19 05:52:23 UTC
20$ at the least.
2009-12-11 07:38:13 UTC
It depends on

1)does she know how much money you are making ?

2)does she like bags ?

3)shoes ?


Good luck
2009-12-05 20:29:10 UTC
depends on how much u have and what she wants for christmas
Prince By Tor
2009-11-30 06:49:51 UTC
I shall be spending between £250 and £300.
2009-11-30 06:42:41 UTC
As much as you like she is worth every penny

You can not take it with you - you only have a chance at life

Make her happy

Eric Fish
2010-01-08 07:12:15 UTC
lets see her subtract the 10,000 dollars shes tooken from you this year and the total comes to -9980
2009-12-01 02:25:38 UTC
just christmas card n write on it what you feel about her from time to time you have been together.
me me me
2009-11-30 15:01:43 UTC
nothing as pressies dont show love they are like buying love ive told every1 that i dont want any christmas pressies
2009-11-30 13:42:39 UTC
Well if your D Beckham about a trillion quid.
susie blue
2009-11-30 08:08:30 UTC
A week's salary
2009-11-30 07:01:26 UTC
In cash? Who cares? In time and attention? As much as you can afford.
2009-12-24 06:41:35 UTC
depends on how much money you have but i mean come on shes ur wife!!! she deserves a lot.
joseph b
2009-12-01 11:26:41 UTC
its not the amount of £££ its the amount of mutual love for each other xxxx
2009-12-01 05:18:24 UTC
£10 more than you spend on your girlfriends :-)
2009-11-30 09:54:51 UTC
depends on her headaches.Allways got a headache £5.Never got a headache £50+
2009-11-30 09:05:01 UTC
Between £13.45-£16.14

2009-11-30 08:04:46 UTC
Everyone's getting socks.
2010-01-06 01:14:34 UTC
It doesnt matter as long as long as you listen to her when she tells you what she wants and it comes from the heart.
2009-12-04 06:48:31 UTC
Not many people seem to be prepared to give you a monetary figure, I will:

2009-11-30 14:11:28 UTC
No more than you can afford, but no less than whatever she is spending on you.
2009-11-30 13:28:37 UTC
Depends on how much the hitman is lol
2010-01-15 15:35:20 UTC
You are married. Don't worry. What ever you do it will be the wrong thing anyway.
2009-12-01 07:56:30 UTC


Neil F
2009-11-30 10:35:39 UTC
Whats wrong with a romantic drive through? :)
2009-12-03 16:54:02 UTC
This is a variable according to your means and abilities.
hu do u think u r?
2009-11-30 11:41:55 UTC
if u love them, then spend the money u think they deserve
2010-01-13 07:18:57 UTC
A qaurter of your income
2009-12-10 09:16:02 UTC
just a little bit more then she spent on you and make the present sincere as well
2009-12-09 16:37:07 UTC
$25-$50 if youre middle class. whatever you can afford she'll love!
2009-12-08 02:19:24 UTC
well all women will say a lot too much like a grand seriously buy her some jewellery
2009-12-06 18:44:23 UTC
20-40 dollars depending on your income
2009-12-04 13:05:36 UTC
doesn't matter how much or little you spend its the thought that goes with the gift that counts.......
2009-12-02 16:38:47 UTC
as much as u can with out over doing it
2009-12-01 11:55:38 UTC
For your wife I think money should be no object. get her what she wants...
2009-11-30 13:18:38 UTC
150-200 unless times are hard, then it´s what you can afford
2009-11-30 08:06:32 UTC
I paid for the divorce papers!


nah, i love my wife!
2009-11-30 07:54:01 UTC
Half her age, divided by 2, multiplied by 0.5.

And if she complains, threaten to leave her and the kids.
doreen m
2009-11-30 07:48:13 UTC
I wouldnt mind what my husband spent on me, as whatever he buys shows me that he has thought about me to buy it and that shows he loves me.
2009-11-30 07:39:19 UTC
i think most women will be happy as long as they get a little something i know thats my girlfreinds view
2009-12-14 22:41:34 UTC
Just buy something that she'll really like. If you can't afford, get something cheaper.
david k
2009-12-08 16:40:52 UTC
likea $2000?
2009-12-06 22:09:32 UTC
I say $200 if you have been together for awhile, or just blow it out for a new one with a really lovely present.
2009-11-30 10:36:00 UTC
People seem to forget ' It's the thought that counts' not how much something cost.
2009-11-30 09:43:40 UTC
This depends on haw naughty you have been and if you suspect she may know! Too much and she will find out ;)
Nick B
2009-11-30 10:12:36 UTC
10% of Monthly Gross Income sounds fair to me...
2009-11-30 08:08:28 UTC
Money is irrelevant. It is what you do for her throughout the year thats more important.
2010-01-15 02:17:22 UTC
Anything that will bring a smile on her face.
The Asker
2009-12-27 20:43:47 UTC
10% of your monthly income
dn boss
2009-12-20 19:47:57 UTC
high price it for wife
2009-12-18 13:44:59 UTC
$5 per $1000 you make/year.
2009-12-15 15:49:44 UTC
Probably about $30.

That's what I'd want.
2009-12-05 18:22:11 UTC
It depends on how well she works in the kitchen.
2009-12-01 11:32:47 UTC
depends on what you spend on your girl friend
Damian M
2009-12-01 04:39:19 UTC
it doesn't matter, if you dont get the right gift you will be paying with grief for the rest of the year!!!
2009-11-30 10:01:11 UTC
Do you know my wife then?...if you do then feel free to spend as much as you like on her - thanks !
2009-11-30 09:15:36 UTC
Spending time with her is priceless!
2010-01-07 00:52:26 UTC
As much as you can afford as long as it dose not put you in dept.
2009-12-16 20:35:12 UTC
an amount in your budget you can truly afford
2009-12-12 12:45:11 UTC
It depends what you can afford as a couple
2009-12-04 18:21:12 UTC
Forty bob
2009-12-03 14:52:10 UTC
matters what they want for christmas
2009-12-01 02:52:26 UTC
less than you spend on your girlfriend or it will only lead to trouble!
2009-11-30 13:33:57 UTC
Nothing whatsoever in my opinion, I would rather (and he does) that he spent it on the kids.
2009-11-30 08:38:38 UTC
my advice is get a divorce and save yourself this anguish every x mas
2009-12-01 04:31:54 UTC
It's the thought that count's...not the cost!
2009-11-30 13:53:47 UTC
As much as she wants him to without it making him bankrupt.
2009-11-30 10:44:46 UTC
It's the thought that counts.
Damien Hogan
2009-11-30 07:21:25 UTC
You can't put a price on love
2010-01-13 16:38:12 UTC
Enough to not have to sleep on the couch but not enough that you have to sell the couch to pay bills.
samantha f
2010-01-09 05:33:59 UTC
2010-01-06 20:09:15 UTC
Only what you can afford, it's not about how much it costs, it's how much thought you put into it.
2010-01-06 12:19:03 UTC
more than 100 dollars! ;p
Josh W
2009-12-21 04:10:21 UTC
Depends on the gift...
2009-12-16 13:50:07 UTC
How much u luv her and how much she means 2 u (:
lil laurz
2009-12-15 12:48:09 UTC
it's not about how much the present cost,it's the thought that matters.
2009-12-13 03:36:29 UTC
woo hoo gifts from poundland!

but seriously.. you should talk to your wife about it and decide, thats what my girlfriend and I did.
2009-12-01 04:06:47 UTC
one hundred million billion catrillion zillion US Dollars!
2009-11-30 07:35:08 UTC
it depends on how much cash you have.i think its more about spending time together
2009-11-30 06:47:20 UTC
Nothing! I pay the bills for her all year so its one day when she can spend 1/100th of what she costs me all year
2010-01-13 10:39:23 UTC
depends how much money you have to spend
2009-11-30 12:08:11 UTC
as much as you can afford its the thought of the present
2009-11-30 10:54:02 UTC
Its the thought that counts.
2009-11-30 07:35:32 UTC
i would prefer about ten pounds cos i think the kids come first.......and i have asked my other half to wait till january and we will get something together
2009-11-30 07:19:17 UTC
luckily we have just had a 99p shop open up near us ,so i am thinking a gift card would be ideal
2009-12-23 12:45:54 UTC
I agree
2009-12-14 08:48:37 UTC
if you love her spend every penny you got , if not spend on yourself
2009-12-08 08:41:49 UTC
Its the thought that counts.
2009-12-06 02:55:43 UTC
You cant put a price on love
neil c
2009-11-30 13:06:43 UTC
what ever you think is the right amount, but remember, keep the receipt !!!
2009-11-30 09:24:01 UTC
As much as you can aford as long as it dose not put you in dept.
2009-11-30 09:21:55 UTC
Quality not quantity :) if its not that expensive but you know she'll like it then its better than if its really expensive but you know its not really her thing
2009-11-30 08:04:42 UTC
its not what you spend its the thought that counts
2009-12-28 14:03:28 UTC
If you need to ask then you should get a divorce.
2009-12-01 04:09:11 UTC
30 pounds or more i u can ford it
2009-11-30 08:40:17 UTC
any amount, but must be what she wants and would not have bought by herself!
2009-11-30 07:47:17 UTC
10 minutes!!!
Your Mom
2009-11-27 07:10:40 UTC
Depends on how much you want to make her happy. I'm a girl so I wouldn't have a wife but I would have a husband and I know that I will have to get him something special. So I would say it all depends on how happy you think it will make them and how much money you have.
2009-12-16 17:40:41 UTC
i think it should be one weeks pay that way you can say you earned it and spent time on it
2009-12-10 09:00:31 UTC
I think that depends on how much you love her.
2009-12-09 08:18:51 UTC
she s d most special one to her hubby... so he shd not mind d amount to spend for her....
2009-12-05 02:44:55 UTC
4.50 is acceptable. Studies show this is ample.
2009-12-01 07:33:16 UTC
Depends on how much you still love her..
2009-11-30 09:34:38 UTC
I told her, she can have anything she wants under a fiver !
2009-11-30 07:25:01 UTC
Pierce her ears this year and then buy priceless diamond earrings... next year!?
2009-12-24 16:42:09 UTC
a million dollars
2009-12-10 10:56:28 UTC
you shouldnt have to spend anything...the gift of your love for her is all she needs =)
2009-12-01 04:13:32 UTC
it doesn't matter how much you spend, as long as the gift is from your heart and sincere!!!!
2009-12-01 03:12:55 UTC
hum and here we have that age old dilemna, whatever you buy just make sure its something she wants, guys no slippers.
siva a
2009-11-30 10:42:12 UTC
How much matter can you put in a 'Black Hole' before it is filled up?
2009-11-30 05:09:40 UTC
No amount can be as precious as your love for her!! Show her how much you love her!
2009-12-11 03:15:27 UTC
£1.50 or 89 cents
2009-12-10 11:48:59 UTC
a months wages
2009-12-10 07:19:30 UTC
well take her wiv u n ask ha wt she wants 4 xmas...
2009-12-08 04:07:50 UTC
Whatever that can get her something that make her feel happy, even if its a flower..
2009-12-05 20:53:01 UTC
about $1,000 or more if its a dimond neckles

or something cheaper if you dont have enough money.
2009-12-02 22:27:13 UTC
2009-11-30 11:46:29 UTC
bout £30 and she should give head on demand
Jay 10
2009-11-30 08:46:20 UTC
Ask your social worker.
2009-11-30 08:40:11 UTC
it really depends on how money is left after you have bought your girlfriends
andrew w
2009-11-30 07:17:40 UTC
Around half as much as you have spent on your mistress!
live to party
2010-01-02 03:15:24 UTC
depends on income
2009-11-30 07:39:06 UTC
200 pounds.
2009-11-29 14:21:53 UTC
That depends on your finances and the she wants.
2009-11-28 01:29:29 UTC
Depends what you can get away with, bearing in mind that Christmas is another racket.

If you want her to leave, buy her a car manual. That usually does the trick.

If you are totally enamoured with her still and really appreciate her, buy her something really thoughtful but not necessarily too expensive. Remember it's the thought that counts!

It may depend on your other financial commitments.
2009-12-16 13:51:16 UTC
Listen up Golfers, me and my friend have just launched a new golf site, check it out and Register for free. Thanks!
2009-12-08 22:32:50 UTC
its ur wife. Make it big
2009-12-05 03:34:02 UTC
depends on income
2009-12-03 07:13:53 UTC
Two hundred dollars.
2009-11-30 09:39:37 UTC
it depends on how big a gift he wants back! lol
2010-01-04 12:43:09 UTC
30 % of your weekly pay.
Yahoo Teacher Toby
2009-12-12 12:54:29 UTC
No limit X)
2009-12-06 15:06:40 UTC
As long as it won't break the bank, and you truly love her, the sky's the limit.
2009-11-30 14:26:41 UTC
Get your mistress to pick it - you will never go wrong
2009-11-30 10:18:19 UTC
a few pounds more than you spend on your mistress
2009-11-30 09:06:10 UTC

of course

many years

2009-11-30 08:59:02 UTC
As much as you can afford
2009-11-30 07:36:30 UTC
Why spend when you can make it?!
barbara r
2009-11-30 07:28:53 UTC
The best thing you can spend on her is time!
2009-11-30 07:26:45 UTC
as much as you can affort.....your wife is your beloved....she must deserves better and a best long as she would happy and surprised....
2009-11-30 06:55:35 UTC
you should know the ammount your heart tells you how much she means to you
2009-11-30 06:47:11 UTC
£50 or there abouts, depending or your income
2009-11-28 16:46:57 UTC
Ladders vary greatly in price, but love is not skimping when it comes to your wifes safety when she's cleaning the 2nd floor windows.
2009-11-30 10:58:06 UTC
depends totally on your income but make it special
Claire W
2009-11-30 07:08:59 UTC
Remember,it's not the amount ,but the thought that counts.
Diona G
2009-12-25 21:54:51 UTC
It depends on how much you have anyway
2009-12-11 16:22:10 UTC
atleast 50!!
2009-12-09 06:43:31 UTC
what ever you can afford. as long as it is given with love
2009-12-08 17:31:15 UTC
probably a few mor buck than she did on you
Brandon H
2009-12-06 11:09:09 UTC
$50. You don't have to empty your wallet, but its still enough to say I love you.
2009-12-01 05:09:59 UTC
i spent €29.99 on your wife last year.
2009-11-30 08:41:49 UTC
a good seeing too should do the job.the funds are tight
nick s
2009-11-30 08:28:31 UTC
whatever your girl friend tells you to spend?
sam b
2009-11-30 07:08:54 UTC
as long as you get something they will enjoy then it doesn't matter on the price!
2010-01-11 13:02:51 UTC
just a little ring. not to pricy $
2009-12-25 10:04:09 UTC
it really depends on how you love her and how much you can save
2009-12-15 11:00:08 UTC
whatever u can afford but something thoughtful
2009-12-10 05:40:51 UTC
the uglier she is, the more you spend on beer.
2009-12-01 07:41:05 UTC
If you need to ask the question you have a problem......
Ian F
2009-12-01 06:58:11 UTC
£2.81 Max
2009-12-26 07:16:56 UTC
get her a necklace a nice one .
haloween games
2009-12-13 17:03:17 UTC
Whatever you know she'd like get it!
monkey 101
2009-12-06 12:15:05 UTC
well about 200 if you have a good salary
2009-12-01 05:15:37 UTC
the sky should be the limit, if one can afford it
Richard N
2009-11-30 07:45:49 UTC
About £40.00 I think!
2009-11-28 06:36:43 UTC
Any amount you feel is acceptable. There's no set limit if you love her.
anna b
2009-12-16 12:32:36 UTC
Zillions and Zillions and Zillions, and then some x
Farooq M
2009-12-01 04:02:25 UTC
every time they go shopping its not less then CHRISTMAS shopping.
2009-11-30 16:52:40 UTC
that must be directly related to how much you love her!
2009-11-30 14:13:14 UTC
50% of your income, cause you know she's worth it :D
2009-11-30 10:58:22 UTC
a dog
2009-11-30 09:52:10 UTC
depends how much you've got left after buying your mistresses present !!!!!!!!!
2009-11-30 06:32:11 UTC
it should not matter what the cost is the only thing that should matter is that you have each other to start with.
2009-12-10 20:49:56 UTC
just a little more than she wants you to.
2009-12-06 10:15:09 UTC
give her how much you thing she deserves buy her somthing nice.

she is your wife
kitty kat
2009-11-30 10:15:20 UTC
nothing.. if u love her, u should cherish her as money cant buy true love and happiness!!!!
mr splash
2009-11-30 09:02:46 UTC
a got mine a boat last year she loved it...;o)
2009-11-30 08:34:25 UTC
Love cost give her your heart!
2009-11-30 03:57:17 UTC
you've just got time to knit her a pair of socks!
2009-11-29 13:12:29 UTC
erm i guess that depends on your wife?? does she cook everynight? does she iorn? put out when you want some? lol then spend about £20...
2010-01-01 11:50:15 UTC
all the time do i have to be a adult to answer this doh!
2009-12-14 20:18:15 UTC
I think about 75.00
2009-12-01 04:48:45 UTC
You know your wife better than i do. (i think). :-)
2009-11-30 11:23:08 UTC
More than she spends on you especially if YOU EARN THREE TIMES MORE THAN SHE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-11-30 08:50:43 UTC
About half as much as on your girl-friend. ;)
2010-01-06 09:58:40 UTC
day spa retreat
2009-12-21 14:30:31 UTC
give her a good root
Half Heart Kisses
2009-12-14 09:55:51 UTC
As much as she is worth

2009-12-05 13:24:47 UTC
2009-11-30 11:51:51 UTC
as long as it is not a flimsy something or a computer game, just about anything will do...........
2009-11-30 09:41:31 UTC
its not what or how much, its the thought that counts
2009-11-30 07:27:07 UTC
One full bladder
2009-12-24 12:02:45 UTC
depends on what she wants
2009-12-09 20:00:42 UTC
she better be happy with what i got in my pants
2009-12-02 20:11:25 UTC
however much you can afford it dosent have to be diamonds
2009-12-01 05:18:30 UTC
Loads - cause we're worth it....
2009-11-30 09:52:43 UTC
Every thing you have
mr who?
2009-11-30 09:03:57 UTC
Tell her you got someone else pregnant. Then tell her you're joking (even if you're not). After that, any present will be appreciated.
2009-11-30 07:18:33 UTC
spend time not money
2009-11-30 06:59:28 UTC
Simple answer! hugs, kisses, and saying 'I love you'
2009-11-29 08:21:47 UTC
It depends how much you can afford and who you are.
2009-12-07 03:52:57 UTC
as much as you can afford, she is the most important person in your life
2009-11-30 11:07:01 UTC
How much are oven gloves?
2009-11-30 08:36:23 UTC
its the thought that counts!
2009-11-30 08:11:45 UTC
fifty pounds
2010-01-08 15:44:48 UTC
i believe love is enough
2009-12-22 10:22:11 UTC
2009-12-20 12:02:13 UTC
a buck 2.80
Gemma N
2009-12-15 04:52:34 UTC
whatever you can without leaving yourself broke.
2009-12-06 10:30:20 UTC
Depends on what you think of her!
2009-12-03 17:13:12 UTC
it reallly all depends on how much you make.
2009-11-27 06:42:38 UTC
That depends, are you guys saving up for a house or anything and have agreed on a specific dollar amount?

Has she asked for anything specific? If she has it's probably because that's what she really wants and you should get her that.

Otherwise, between 80 and 100 if you can afford it will buy her a couple of nice things.
2009-11-30 12:51:01 UTC
absolutly nothing.

make her something.

its more meaningful.
ian m
2009-11-30 12:09:49 UTC
Whatever it costs, she is worth it !!!
2009-11-30 11:49:11 UTC
it should come from the heart!
2009-11-30 09:54:43 UTC
within your means.
2009-11-30 09:14:13 UTC
What a stupid effing question. There's no 'correct' answer
2009-11-30 08:41:06 UTC
as much as you don't have to use your credit cards
CrAzY lAdY
2010-01-11 18:18:32 UTC
depends what you can afford and what she wants
Horsey girle
2009-12-29 13:44:34 UTC
it depends
2009-12-14 06:43:03 UTC
iam waiting for my husband answer at Christmas 09 ...i could not answer it for myself ...anyways thanks for asking .
2009-12-01 07:42:49 UTC
No less than £124,569.99.
2009-11-30 10:50:47 UTC
i usually spend 3-4 hundred pound of my wife

but then she is worth every single penny this year i have bought her a samsung genio phone,a pink ds lite, and a tiffany and co bracelet and necklace

sorry if that sounds extavagant but i think a lot of her
2009-11-30 10:09:20 UTC
wot ever you can afford
2009-11-30 07:09:48 UTC
Well if your buying her that new hifi that you wanted for your self or the Yellow Ferrari you had your eye on, then dont worry about the cost, however if your thinking of getting her a gift that she can use herself then it really depends on how much shes been pissing you off recently.
2009-12-27 02:50:51 UTC
2009-12-19 17:36:30 UTC
She should have whatever she want
2010-01-09 16:57:18 UTC
2010-01-02 19:02:15 UTC
2009-12-20 02:14:45 UTC
it depends on your budget...or salary
2009-12-17 22:42:03 UTC
2009-12-11 22:28:56 UTC
for something nice, i would say 300.00
2009-12-08 18:09:17 UTC
Well it depends how much you have, doesn't it? DURR.
2009-12-06 12:52:42 UTC
the major should be how much your income is.
william s
2009-12-01 01:22:02 UTC
as much as it takes to keep her happy,shes priceless !!!!!!
2009-11-29 11:02:44 UTC
love is priceless (bout a fiver should do it)
2009-11-28 17:44:23 UTC
i would say anywhere between 30 to 50 dollars.
2009-11-27 08:49:16 UTC
Depends on the amount you earn and stuff (:
2009-12-21 16:30:32 UTC
If you have to ask? £1.00
2009-12-16 19:32:01 UTC
a ring or necklace : )
2009-12-12 19:02:21 UTC
why do you have to ask? its not about the money.
2009-12-04 10:17:51 UTC
brian s
2009-12-01 04:59:36 UTC
$13.78 not a cent more or less!
2009-11-30 08:36:22 UTC
£50.00 because she is worth it
2009-12-03 06:26:56 UTC
2009-12-06 14:09:19 UTC
approximately 10ml
2009-11-30 08:41:11 UTC
how much is your relationship worth ? xxx
2009-11-28 14:03:14 UTC
well you spend money all year long on her so how about 50.00
2009-12-30 17:48:36 UTC
i am not married yet
2009-12-29 11:58:21 UTC
always get her more than she spent on you...
amazon dot com buyer...
2009-12-28 21:25:15 UTC
it depends if she deserves it or not
Robert ♥ ανяιℓ ℓανιgиє
2009-12-24 13:52:30 UTC
however much you can afford
2009-11-30 22:51:32 UTC
as much as you can
jonathan p
2009-11-30 10:18:51 UTC
how much is a feather duster and a tin of polish ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or a broomstick you choose
2009-11-30 08:27:44 UTC
well u cant go wrong in
Jason S
2009-11-30 08:19:19 UTC
Everything you've got..... it still wont be enough!
2009-11-28 10:51:50 UTC
You know as well as I do...That what ever you spend won't be nearly enough, I wish you luck... I get it wrong every bloody year...I got it so wrong with my ex-wife & I'm not doing too well with this one either!
2010-01-13 09:02:58 UTC
how much do u love her haha
2010-01-15 15:13:49 UTC
the same amount she spent on you or more.
2009-12-01 16:17:48 UTC
I'd say up to $1000.00 !!!!
2009-11-30 10:24:24 UTC
As much you can afford or how much she wants!!!!!!!!!
Mike J
2009-11-30 07:10:10 UTC
If you 'don't know' don't waste time replying...
2009-11-28 08:37:52 UTC
The same amount as she did on you... (+1 dollar)
2010-01-02 12:03:48 UTC
what ever you can afford
2009-12-07 04:28:05 UTC
2009-12-06 12:20:41 UTC
No more than you can afford.
Depressed in Mexico
2009-11-30 22:27:09 UTC
4.99 £ is more than enough I think :-)
Michaela F
2009-11-30 10:49:58 UTC
its the thought mofo
2009-11-30 08:29:36 UTC
2009-11-30 08:07:07 UTC
1,000,000,000,000,000, start with..just kidding.
*freakishly amazing*
2009-12-23 05:32:12 UTC
idk like maybe 5% of what you earn? i know my dad spent sooooooooo much money on my mom though!
2009-12-07 05:43:05 UTC
depends on how much you love her...
big hearted arthur
2009-12-02 00:51:43 UTC
2009-11-30 08:28:33 UTC
2010-01-11 14:23:10 UTC
there are no limitations!
2009-12-01 03:39:05 UTC
Thousands ......I
peter h
2009-11-30 22:46:38 UTC
what you can afford
2009-11-30 14:37:29 UTC
2009-11-28 12:57:10 UTC

love is what she wants
2009-11-28 02:53:49 UTC
So far £332 and counting. If you want your tea cooked when you come home from work, just keep on going until you're skint! :)
Cosimo )O(
2009-11-27 18:06:50 UTC
How much partners spend on seasonal gifts for each other is entirely a matter for them. It is not for anyone else to judge whether what they spend is 'acceptable' - acceptable to whom? If it's acceptable to them, good for them, it's none of my business.

I know a guy whose wife buys him an expensive watch at every midwinter festival and birthday. Whatever's 'acceptable' for a man to spend on his partner is equally acceptable for a woman to spend on hers.

By the way, not everyone who lives in partnership is married. You shouldn't take these things for granted. I think you should apologize.
2009-12-07 08:44:50 UTC
it depends.... not much anyway
2009-11-27 10:26:17 UTC
it depends on what your situation is, do what feels best for you
2009-12-15 22:36:42 UTC
i don't know
2009-11-30 09:44:15 UTC
give the ***** nothing
2009-11-30 09:39:17 UTC
2009-11-30 07:03:14 UTC
make her something :)
2009-11-30 09:55:36 UTC
stupid question
2009-11-27 07:57:59 UTC
I will have a figure in mind..Shes on here too so I cannot really say
2009-11-27 06:33:55 UTC
£100-£200 anymore than that then you have problems..
2010-01-05 02:47:16 UTC
2009-12-01 02:59:25 UTC
i dunno!! but what can i buy my husband!!!!?
posie poe
2009-11-27 14:14:27 UTC
taxed till i die,and then some.
2009-11-27 14:00:47 UTC
Between £2.50 and £3.00.
2009-11-27 07:40:47 UTC
£5 if you want her to leave,unlimited if you want her to stay
2009-11-27 06:51:36 UTC
Get her something useful, like a food mixer, a steam iron etc....get a good one £100 +. Don't waste money on shoes and clothes...she'll stop wearing them after a week.
2009-11-27 06:31:54 UTC
come on then

let's be having you

hand over your credit card to her now

you know it makes sense

have a nice one
2009-12-23 02:22:35 UTC
2009-11-30 10:39:47 UTC
I dunno, whatever - it won't be enough!
2009-11-28 14:50:04 UTC
Dunno. How much is a kettle, saucepan, frying pan and dishcloth?
2009-11-27 10:49:58 UTC
OOh a good £500 or more i'd say!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.