This, will be a fairly depressive answer. But an answer none the less.
If, my ex boyfriend came upto me, and asked me what I wanted for christmas, I'd quote that o so cheesy line "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
He just spent £200 on his new girlfriend. They've barely been together six months. Not an inch of me is jelous at the amount he's spent on her, but the time.
Sure I'll be happy on Christmas morning, when I get the Batman DVD I wanted, or the new Graphic Novel I've been itching for, but these matirialistic things mean so little when you compare it to so many other things.
This Christmas, all I want is a second chance to say "I Love You" and mean it.
You dont know what you've got until its gone, and when it's gone, you dont get a chance to go back armed with this knowlege.
This doesnt just go for me, this goes for anyone who is spending Christmas without their loved ones. Im sure when you ask the recent window what she wants, her answer would be her husband. For the young daughter, whos father is fighting in Iraq, she'll ask for her Daddy, for the teenage son, whos mother is in hospital battling cancer, he'll be begging for her to come home.
When you compare money, to those things, it seems to irrelivant.
When you think of all the people you could be spending christmas without, a £200 new gold necklace, would mean bugger all if you were spending that day apart from the people you love.