Christmas HELP?!?!?!?! I really want to make these people happy!!!!!!!?
2009-11-19 20:01:59 UTC
Okay so I need major help about christmas....its not that far away you see and well theres some special people in my life I really want to let know I care

Person one: My Boyfriend-Hes the love of my life and he enlisted in the army and is leaving for bootcamp soon after the new year. I wanna get him something that he will love and something that will show him how much he means to me and that I'll be there waiting even when hes gone. he likes classic rock and death metal, indian-as in native american- things,star wars clone wars,clint eastwood,guns and and knives and such,confederate war stuff,nazi zombies(i dont even know what the hell those are honestly), and he loves me, Oh and we both have a hugge adicition to alice in wonderland

Second Person: My best friend shes like the sister I never had ( I dont have a good family life so I stay at her house alot) shes been a great support through my life and I wanna thank her for being there and show her I will be there for her no matter what. She likes country music, guitars,twilight(but i bought her something twilighty last christmas),star trek,chocolate,writing,reading,NCIS,CSI,and law and order SVU

Person Three and four: The girl aboves mom and dad-like I said theyre like family and I stay with them alot and I wanna say thanks and I love them properly. Mom loves coffee spends alot of time on her pc and also she owns a buisness that sells knifes and camping stuff. Dad he likes smoking tobaco-like out of a pipe ya know like the olden days,weapons and cake lol he doesnt talk much so I'm not exactly positive what else he likes but yeah

Person Five: Aunt Dude-shes the elderly lady that lives with the mom dad and my best friend. She doesnt like that she has to be helped and sometimes shes a lil senile-shes like ninety four- she likes margarittas and romance novels and she gets up every morning at eight thirty sharp drinks a cup of coffee and reads the paper she also loves my friends cat and always gives it milk and she loves getting postcards when someones out of town.

Person Six: My friend haley-shes had a rough year and her parents are going through a divorce so I wanna give her something that will make her forget about her life for a while-if you know what i mean. She likes hot topic,sims,scene/emo guys,theater and acting, lady gaga,all american rejects, and MCR

Person Seven: my big brother. Hes been there for me through everything and hes supported me I want to tell him thanks. He likes Volvos, Volvos, Volvos, working on cars,food, movies,computers,and he wants a wife (hes twenty three) lol no he needs a wife

please help I really wanna make christmas special for these wonderful people in my life
so thanks!
Six answers:
NCIS ♥ Addict
2009-11-23 12:27:47 UTC
♥ Person 1/Boyfriend - Perhaps a necklace with some sort of native american charm on it (maybe have the back engraved). Or a knife specially engraved.

♥ Person 2/Friend - Well... I'm an NCIS Addict, so of course I'm going to suggest getting her a t-shirt (like from Ebay. One that says "I'd rather be watching NCIS"). Or perhaps burn a cd of her favorite country music (there is a song by Reba McIntire called My Sister that is really good). Or perhaps the CSI game.

♥ Person 3 & 4/Adopted Mom & Dad - Maybe you can write a poem (or print one off line) saying thanks and put it in a frame. You could make them a basket with different coffee & coffee supplies, maybe some cake mix/icing also.

♥ Person 5/Aunt Dude - Gather a collection of postcards and organize them into a scrapbook of sorts for her.

♥ Person 6/Haley - Maybe a diary/journal so she can write all the feelings down that she is going through. A burnt cd with her favorite music. Tickets to a local theater. Home made coupons (you know like we made when we were little.. Good for 1 hug, Good for 1 cry on the shoulder, etc).

♥ Person 7/Brother - If you look hard enough maybe you can find an old car that someone wants to throw/give away and give it to him as a project to work on (may be silly, but he'll know you are thinking of him), gift card to his favorite fast food place/restaurant or make him dinner one night.
2016-05-25 13:17:46 UTC
What's the big deal with the whole Merry Christmas thing!?!?! I wouldn't care if someone said Happy Haunukkah to me even though its not what i celebrate!! I would just say "Happy Hanukkah to you too! And Merry Christmas!" And if the store is selling things like stockings, Christmas trees andsanta wrapping paper, someone should assume that they can say Merry Christmas!! This is the kind of thing that people shouldn't need to be upset about. What i hate is when people say xmas. It tottaly take Jesus out of Christmas!!! The only reason we have Christmas is because of the birth of Jesus!! People shouldn't focus on whether or not it's Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza or Happy Holidays, but they should focus on their loved ones and family and celebrating whatever they want to celebrate the way they want to celebrate it!!!!!
2009-11-19 20:20:16 UTC
B/F =

Swiss Army Knife

Buck Knife

DVD collection ; Eastwood

Cute Christmas ornament

best friend =

Jewelry; jewelry box

Make up & case

Fuzzy slippers & cute socks




bf's Mom =

Basket with different kinds of coffees


Coffee mugs; Holiday designed

bf's Dad =

Pipe stand


Book on the history of pipes & pipe smoking

Aunt =


Romance books



Sweater or throw blanket

Haley =


Wind chimes

Snow globe

Micro fiber optic Christmas tree plus ornament

bro =


Book on the history of Volvo's

DVD collection; put in a basket with popcorn & movie candies too

Subscription to Playboy magazine...=)

2009-11-19 20:53:38 UTC
Boyfriend -- a necklace with something Native American on it -- that way he can wear it with his uniform and you'll be with him always. or, if he'd wear it, maybe a cheshire cat necklace. also, a small stuffed CCat for him to take with him.

Chosen sister - you say she likes writing -- is that like in a journal, or on the computer? cause if she likes the pen-on-paper experience, Pilot makes fountain pens (the after-the-feather, before-the-ballpoint style pens) in something like five colors for $4.00 apiece, or all 5 for $22.95 (online, at the pilot pen store.) they're disposable, but if she really loves the experience, you can always get her a refillable fountain pen next year. or you could give her really *good* chocolate -- Schaufenberger, Godiva, Ghirardelli.

persons three, four, and five -- coffee. (personally, i hate the stuff), but Starbucks. Gevalia (a little expensive, but they do great gift things), Trader Joe's. depending on your budget, you could get "Dad" a new pipe, but they can be pricey -- meerschaum pipes are good; they're carved out of white stuff and get darker with age. if you want to give him tobacco, go for a gift certificate, 'cause tobacco is a very personal thing (and watch those comments about "olden days', too -- after all, my husband smokes a pipe and we're only -- oh. never mind. younger than Aunt Dude, anyway.)

you could also get Aunt Dude a teacup/saucer combo just for that early morning -- my daughter gave me a gorgeous set (i drink tea) from Anthropologie that's black, white, with gold trim, v. Art Deco & gorgeous. i stay away from the mugs, myself. they breed in our cabinets. and coordinate a group of online friends to each send her a postcard from wherever they are -- with the message "Your Name Loves You" on each.

haley -- i keep thinking "escape" = "put on headphones" so i'm thinking that if she likes musicals, the sound track of one of the new ones would be good -- there's Spring Awakening (my 21 year old daughter is head over heels about it), American Idiot (Greenday -- came out as an album & was reverse-engineered into a musical), Wicked (the story about Glinda and Elphaba (the W.Witch o'the West) *before* the Wizard of Oz (turns out they were BFFs), and my personal fave -- Chess, although i'd get her the DVD of that b/c they just did a production with a WONDERFUL cast (two members of the original cast of "Rent" (hey, that's another good album), and the experience can't be beat. Chess is an odd musical in that the music was written, but only a bare outline of a story, so any production simply picks whatever songs they want to include, figure out which character they want to have sing them, and make up the rest. the recent production was set up by Tim Rice, who was one of the authors. or, if you're both around 20 or so, listen to some of Avenue Q. it's Sesame Street for grownups (what else can you say about a musical that includes the songs, "What Do You Do With A BA In English" and "The Internet Is For Porn"?) if she "gets' Monty Python at all, she *has* to have Spamalot, which is the musical version of MP& the Holy Grail. plus some extra bits.)

if Haley doesn't like musicals, i'm thinking maybe a gift certificate for an album or two. but for some reason, music seems to be "right" for her.

big brother - there has *got* to be a Volvo t-shirt he doesn't have. or maybe Volvo pj's. or a hat. as for the wife thing -- keep an eye out for those "speed-dating" events near you (that's where they put the girls at tables for two, a guy sits down at each table, they talk for 5 minutes, someone blows a whistle and all the guys move over one table. that way everyone gets to meet everyone, and if you're interested, you set up something for later.

good luck. you sound like you've chosen a very nice family for yourself. that's what our older daughter did, too. plus two of our daughter's friends who occasionally come spend a couple of nights whether or not she's at college. they just want to check in with Mom & Dad (I have a button that reads: i am the Mother of All Things, and All Things must put on a sweater." and my husband has one that reads, "I am he Father of All Things, and All Things must be in by midnight." i wonder if you could get those -- or t-shirts -- for your chosen mom & dad...)

enjoy. have a lovely holiday.
2009-11-19 20:06:59 UTC
A bible sounds like it would be a perfect gift for all of these people. It sounds like you are a very caring person. I'm sure whatever you decide will be perfect.
2009-11-20 00:40:50 UTC
loads of ideas

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.