Why do people with no religion celebrate Christmas sometimes?
2014-12-20 13:59:22 UTC
The other day I was eating lunch with my friends and I turned to my friend Dina and asked, "Are you Jewish, Christian, or Catholic?" She answered, "I'm no religion but I celebrate Christmas." Please help me. How can people have no religion but celebrate Christmas, if the point of Christ-mas is the birth of Jesus Christ?
37 answers:
2014-12-26 20:07:03 UTC
The ppl with no religion might celebrate Christmas in the form of a gift giving festival, but they do miss the point that Christmas is really about the kindest gift of all. The gift of eternal life when we accept Jesus as our personal saviour. Christians in the past (and in some places on earth) have died for believing in Jesus. In America and much of the world, it is relatively simple-- just accept God's gift to us by accepting Jesus as our saviour. The Bible tells us about the original Christmas in Luke Chapter 2. The reason for Jesus coming to our world can be found in the book of John, chapter 3.
2014-12-20 14:12:12 UTC
While the point of Christmas, as a Christian festival is to celebrate Jesus' birth, there have been festivals around the time of the Winter Equinox since before Jesus was born, and I see no reason why non-religous people should not adopt and adapt the traditional celebrations of this time of year, just as Christians did in the past. For me, Christmas, or Yule, or whatever you want to call it, is a time to be with my family, exchange presents and share a meal. Nobody really 'owns' a festival to the exclusion of others. We are all free to celebrate as we want and when we want to, without necessarily including all the aspects others have included in those celebrations.
2014-12-20 14:09:09 UTC
This holiday has been celebrated long before Christians changed it's name to Christmas.

Things like the Christmas tree, and the mistletoe, come from a pagan holiday celebrated before Christianity was formed.

So to some it's a celebration of solstice, and family. It's not all about Jesus.
2014-12-27 00:22:39 UTC
This holiday has been celebrated long before Christians changed it's name to Christmas.

Things like the Christmas tree, and the mistletoe, come from a pagan holiday celebrated before Christianity was formed.

So to some it's a celebration of solstice, and family. It's not all about Jesus.
2014-12-27 18:45:31 UTC
The ppl with no religion might celebrate Christmas in the form of a gift giving festival, but they do miss the point that Christmas is really about the kindest gift of all. The gift of eternal life when we accept Jesus as our personal saviour. Christians in the past (and in some places on earth) have died for believing in Jesus. In America and much of the world, it is relatively simple-- just accept God's gift to us by accepting Jesus as our saviour. The Bible tells us about the original Christmas in Luke Chapter 2. The reason for Jesus coming to our world can be found in the book of John, chapter 3.
2014-12-25 19:36:27 UTC
The ppl with no religion might celebrate Christmas in the form of a gift giving festival, but they do miss the point that Christmas is really about the kindest gift of all. The gift of eternal life when we accept Jesus as our personal saviour. Christians in the past (and in some places on earth) have died for believing in Jesus. In America and much of the world, it is relatively simple-- just accept God's gift to us by accepting Jesus as our saviour. The Bible tells us about the original Christmas in Luke Chapter 2. The reason for Jesus coming to our world can be found in the book of John, chapter 3.
2014-12-23 11:12:00 UTC
The ppl with no religion might celebrate Christmas in the form of a gift giving festival, but they do miss the point that Christmas is really about the kindest gift of all. The gift of eternal life when we accept Jesus as our personal saviour. Christians in the past (and in some places on earth) have died for believing in Jesus. In America and much of the world, it is relatively simple-- just accept God's gift to us by accepting Jesus as our saviour. The Bible tells us about the original Christmas in Luke Chapter 2. The reason for Jesus coming to our world can be found in the book of John, chapter 3.
2014-12-22 14:03:04 UTC
For me Christmas is a time to celebrate traditions such as exchanging gifts, spending time with family, eating a traditional meal and decorating. Since Christmas was originally a pagan celebration taken over by Christians, Jesus is optional.
2014-12-21 07:00:16 UTC
Christmas is really a Christianized version of a pagan holiday just like Easter is. ok?

It's so commercial, that is why I hate it so much. people running around acting like fools to go spend money when they don't appreciate what they already have.

Also Dec 25 is NOT Jesus' real birthday, either.

8. The Birth of Jesus

(1351.5) 122:8.1 All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C., with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger.

(1351.6) 122:8.2 In just the same manner as all babies before that day and since have come into the world, the promised child was born; and on the eighth day, according to the Jewish practice, he was circumcised and formally named Joshua (Jesus).- The Urantia book.

They had to have something because the pagans celebrate their Winter Solstice in Dec.

So the early church came up with this bastardized version of Christmas.
2014-12-21 23:42:42 UTC
Christmas is a recycled pagan holiday that was given a Christian label. Jesus never celebrated his own birth or anyone else's birthday, getting involved with pagan celebrations was avoided by Christ and the early Christian congregations because it was a form of false worship. If you read the account of Jesus birth and the first two years of his life you will also find out that the star was not from God, but was put there by the enemy of God ( Satan) who wanted to do away with Jesus by directing the astrologers to find Jesus and then report back to king Herod who wanted to kill him. They were not successful in their assignment, so out of rage king Herod had all the male children two and under killed. Read the account yourself in the Bible. Every year people place a star at the top of the tree not realizing the origin of that star.
2014-12-22 00:58:29 UTC
In 1870 president Grant and the US Congress Signed into Law "Christmas " as a National Federal Holiday that was 144 years ago ..To avoid conflict with laws regarding separation of "Church and State " Congress Re-Defined "Christmas " to mean a "Feast celebrated on December 25 th " Therefore Making "Christmas" in the USA a "SECULAR" holiday meaning "Worldly NOT Spiritual" or (nonreligious) so Christmas is not by law a religious holiday in the eyes of CONGRESS so its celebrated as "Santa Claus or winter celebration or what ever you wish and By law .....Some people religious find it offensive blame president Grant and Congress ...It may have been backed by religious group to get it made a holiday ..thats why people should be careful what they ask for the ECONOMY and RETAILERS love it and to many people it has no religious significance
2014-12-20 14:15:57 UTC
Because christmas was origionally a celebration invented by the pagans. they didn't celebrate it for religious reasons, and it wasn't called christmas then. when christian missionaries then visited the pagans, they adapted this celebration to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
2014-12-20 17:59:05 UTC
Concerning pagan religious practices, Christians are commanded: “Quit touching the unclean thing.” (2 Cor. 6:17)

The Bible also admonishes: “Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor.”

Do you wish to obey those Scriptural commands? Could you do so and at the same time engage in a celebration admittedly rooted in paganism and one that suggests a false date for the birth of Jesus Christ?

Would not doing so mean that you love pleasure more than God and his truth?

Christmas can mean a time of testing for many. They may be aware that Christmas smacks of paganism and is displeasing to God.

But their family, friends and neighbors may go in big for the celebration. The pressure to ‘go along with the crowd’ can become severe.
2014-12-20 14:03:03 UTC
We just join in the whole thing to be sociable - it started off as a pagan festival anyway.

It was hijacked by the Christians, but many of the traditions are pagan.

It seems pedantic to go around saying 'Yuletide greetings' - so we just go with the flow.
2014-12-20 14:17:33 UTC
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn,17th of December expanded with festivities through to the 23rd of December.. Normally a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere, The popularity of Saturnalia continued when the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, some of its customs have influenced the seasonal celebrations surrounding Christmas and the New Year... and yes Saturnalia was celebrated by people who dont worship Saturn
2014-12-21 05:25:17 UTC
People who are not Christian celebrate because it has become a cultural holiday. Generations have grown up celebrating, and society as a whole celebrates with school closure, mall Santa's, decorations, holiday music, etc. For some people it is about family and gift giving, nothing else.

There is an erroneous belief that Christmas was instituted to replace a pagan festival. Not so.

It was the Puritans who first rejected Christmas. Their beliefs held that if it wasn't in the Bible it wasn't so. Since the Bible doesn't say Jesus was born on December 25th then it must be a date the Catholic Church made up.

Later on some scholars began assertion, without any basis'; that the reason the church took this date (since it wasn't t 'scriptural) was because, back in the third century, it wanted to stomp down the Roman festival of Saturnalia, dedicated to the god Saturn and replace it with Christmas.

The problem with that theory is that Saturnalia always ended on Dec. 23. So, here 's a good question: why would Christians have put Christmas on Dec. 25, two days after Saturnalia if they wanted to wipe it out?

Similarly, a claim is made that Christmas steals from the Roman pagan celebration of "Sol lnvicta" (the Feast of the Unconquered Sun). This feast was created, whole cloth, by Emperor Aurelius in 274 A.D, in an attempt to

bolster the religion of the Roman Empire by honoring the sun god: This feast, which occurred around the same time as Saturnalia, was not steeped in Roman tradition. It was created on whim, not historical basis.

Far from Christmas trying· to obscure or override this feast, scholar Thomas Talley in his work, "The Origins of the Liturgical Year" observes that "Sol Invicta" was a Roman response to the practice of upstart Christianity's celebration of Christmas in late December.

So where did the December 25th date come from? From scripture actually:

1n Luke's Gospel, 1:8-9, we are told, "Once when he [Zechariah] was serving as priest in his division's turn before God, according to the practice of the priestly service, he was chosen by Jot to enter the sanctuary of

the Lord to bum incense." It says that the Angel Gabriel appeared to him announcing (in Luke .1:13): "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John." In an early tradition from text called "De solstitia," it is asserted that this priestly ceremonial duty Zechariah was performing was part of the festival of Tabernacles (at the autumnal equinox). This places the conception of St. John the Baptist at the autumnal equinox,

which the Romans observed on Sept. 25.

1n Luke 1:36, when the Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she is called by God to bear the Son of the Most High, he drops in this tidbit: "And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren." Six months from the time of John's conception in the womb of Elizabeth, would mark March 25 as the date of Jesus' conception by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary. This understanding is likewise asserted by the third century Roman and Christian historian Sextus Julius Africanus, who also dates Jesus' conception to March 25.

From all of this we, and the early Christian Church, binding its faith in the Scripture, would date the birth of John the Baptist to the summer solstice, and the nativity of the Lord to the winter solstice - Dec. 25
2014-12-20 14:24:07 UTC
I celebrate a federal holiday called Christmas...

It's fun...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all...

2014-12-20 14:58:02 UTC
Because Christmas is a cultural holiday that has almost nothing to do with any religion.
2014-12-22 14:23:38 UTC
they celebrate the exchanges of presents the tree the motion but you know Christmas become more about giving receiving presents that religion. no law against it just too bad.
2014-12-21 22:51:05 UTC
Christmas is not a Christian-only holiday these days.
2014-12-20 14:00:19 UTC
Christmas is hardly a religious holiday these days. It's more of a commercial holiday, it's all about shopping and buying things.
2014-12-20 14:21:08 UTC
For me Christmas is a time to celebrate traditions such as exchanging gifts, spending time with family, eating a traditional meal and decorating. Since Christmas was originally a pagan celebration taken over by Christians, Jesus is optional.
2014-12-20 14:04:37 UTC
The early church rolled around Europe like a snowball, getting bigger as it soaked up all the pagan superstitions, rituals, holidays, customs, ceremonies and traditions, baptised them and renamed them Christian.. All saviours, messiahs and redeemers are born on the Winter solstice.
2014-12-27 02:42:12 UTC
2014-12-26 18:55:26 UTC
2014-12-26 01:03:32 UTC
2014-12-23 01:38:28 UTC
2014-12-22 19:31:29 UTC
2014-12-20 14:07:18 UTC
It's a part of our culture.
2014-12-20 14:20:01 UTC
They know that Christ was not born on December 25 but instead is a celebration that the Roman Catholics derived from a pagan day when the sun god is born every winter solstice.
2014-12-27 11:50:58 UTC
Once again:


2014-12-26 01:02:49 UTC
Everybody wants presents.
2014-12-24 20:39:21 UTC
Everybody wants presents.
2014-12-23 22:59:44 UTC
Everybody wants presents.
2014-12-20 14:52:37 UTC
Because atheists live a boring lifestyle. They even celebrate Easter only by participating in easter egg hunts. They don't celebrate the religious part of the holiday. Same as with Christmas, they participate only to give and receive gifts, just to have a reason to give someone a gift. They try to compensate for their actions by saying Easter and Christmas is a pagan holiday. I don't ever hear them saying Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday is pagan. There are even some American Muslims that celebrate Christmas, because Jesus is a great noble prophet in their Quran. So, Atheists want to CELEBRATE christian holidays just to feel they have a reason for existing.
2014-12-20 14:01:25 UTC
Everybody wants presents.
2014-12-20 14:00:47 UTC
They celebrate the "Santa" version, which is very very wrong.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.